session 18-c by Gwendolyn | World Anvil

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Sun 14th Apr 2024 12:27

session 18-c

by Scorcheress Gwendolyn

28 aster 21 ab
Gwendolyn still pretends that she is a barrel. She does not trust them. Cromwell does the same as well.
As Gwendolyn is lost in thought for an escape plan, Mary is in the crows' nest of the air ship. Samuel makes his way to Axel and Mary.
After hearing some battle noises, Cromwell jetpacks up to where Mary is and puts his hand on Mary's shoulders and just says "hey...death right? pretty crazy..."
Gwendolyn as quietly as she can sneaks out of the barrel to the lower floor. She makes it to the stairs, and she just stands there contemplating if they are going to be squeaky. She fears that the sound will give her away.
Samuel falls from the rope and Mary jumps after him. Axel tries once again to spit the gag out, and yells "STOOOP!" After getting everyone's attention, he says " I'd like to be the first to say sorry. There has been a huge misunderstanding."
The captain asks, "where did the others go?"
"Others? Well I think one popped out like a birthday cake...."
" I can see that.." says the captain angrily.
"I thought the other one was still in the barrel and I know one flew away on his jet pack...ill give you more information if you untie me!"
"bah" says the captain finally.
Gwendolyn makes it down the stairs and hides under the table as she hears someone begin to walk down the stair. For now, she is hidden.
The captain goes to check his quarters, Kek also comes down the stairs but his eyes dont adjust to the darkness.
Cromwell shoots at Piers, hits his arm and Piers is not longer charmed by Mary but he is wailing in pain. Marmaduke is still charmed by Mary even though both his ankles are broken, He has one thing on his mind.
Bernard falls, and crashes through the trap door. Gwendolyn finds him all twisted and contorted barley breathing. She takes pity on him and tries to help but his injuries are so bad she just stands there saying "oh gosh" over and over.
Jude runs down the stairs to help Bernard and yells to Gwendolyn "Get out of the way!" He uses a healing crystal on him. Gwendolyn says " i tried to help him but he is fucked up."
Marmaduke and Samuel are still crawling and Cromwell feigns to kick Samuel in the head but it was just to fake him out.
Ting sees the captain and Kek. They know she is there but they just see that she is armor.
Captain sees the 'armor' and says "when did we bring this abord?" But he just continues on.
Gwendolyn asks Jude "is he okay? What can we do to stop this madness!?"
"Just tie yourself up. We will deal with you later."
She takes the rope but she just sits down at the table for now. She is obedient, but not THAT obedient.
Jude sighs and says to her "Whatever, just dont go anywhere" and he goes back up the stairs.
Ting attaches some of Blip to the captains boot.
Gwendolyn was supposed to stay put but she goes up the ladder and shoots one of her daggers to cut Axel free. She sprints back down to sit at the table to pretend nothing happened and yells to Axel " youre welcome!"
it starts to get dark, but we see lights from underneath the sky island. Then we hear lightning crack and it hits the mast. The mast cracks and starts to fall, and this causes the ship to crack in half. The ship starts to fall.
Welcome to the season of torrent.