july 29th by Gwendolyn | World Anvil

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Sat 29th Jul 2023 11:03

july 29th

by Scorcheress Gwendolyn

wake up in middle of kehpi-broken up into rings that congregated into a town. ne-su. main ring. this is where gwen, ting and cromwell wake up.
we do not remember anything.
this city is filled with many people.
ting walks out the door. seeing a small person changing multiple colors. dragging something very large. it says "hey you are awake, we need to leave. now!
we collect our things and follow them down the stairs.
cromwell is threatened by non binary folks. what a prick.
this small person is named lemon. he is part of the fierce syndicate. earth elemental claudia. steward mold herrison. electric elemental nunu , human wizard is willow.
gwen asks our location. she know knows we are in the middle of kehpi. we were celebrating the joining of the syndicate. apparently we are hung over.
we cannot seem to locate the others.
we are taken through the town, down an alley, there is a cellar door and we enter. we are in a single room with a bar and a few cots.
cromwell says stranger danger. gwen wants to draw a weapon just in case shit goes down. her guard is up. so is cromwell ting is silent taking in the information.
willow mutters something but we do not hear it.
there is intel that there will be a raid on one of the local farms. we will run guard duty but hidden so the farmers are not scared.
cromwell goes to the market to purchase clothing. gwen offers him a bra. cromwell still stands out from the crowd. he must realize we are not from here. we will never fit in.
the market is exotic. compared to the wild gwen is used to
currency is hearts here.
ting searches for oil. no such luck. it is interested in a cart. it is cautious. no one seems to be following us. that is good.
gwen goes for a weapon upgrade. she enhances the club, and repairs mega bonk stick.
cromwell decides to appraise the brown crystal he has. he is told it is a generic quartz. 25 cards is offered. he decides to sell it.
ting purchases some animal traps. like a bear trap. 30 cards worth. it purchases 5.
we are trying to be stealthy but ting gets caught installing the traps. ting tries to say that "there have been signs of rabid animals." the farmer replies with "there are no animals here" gwen steps in and says "this is for reasearch that is confidential" the farmer says "see now that is a more believable story. just dont put anything in the main road way"
ting sets up camp near the traps that are set, cromwell and gwen set up in the crops
a mist settles over the crops.
ting notices arrows flying out of the crops onto the buildings. and they are on fire
cromwell tries to weave through the crops to see where they are coming from
ting moves toward the barn to try to put the fires out
gwen is trying to look for anyone in the field but she starts to loose her shit. now is not the time to panic gwen
cromwell fires his weapon blindly in the field.gwen starts freaking out and she just starts running further into the corn field. cromwell sees me run by. he notices mido and stabs him in the arm. he stabs him again in the leg. now thats what i call slicin and dicin
gwen starts swinging her mega bonk stick around and hears people whispering "come sleep with us, it is safe here" full panic gwen aint sleeping with no body
cromwell gets hurt in his arm pretty badly. he cannot use it but man he has a strong endurance cause the spear went through his arm. he stabs him in the chest.
gwen is able to ignore the voices, she starts to come to and realize that there is a fight. she is able to know where she is, runs full speed back, cromwell is in a fight with a spear in his arm. gwen barells through and takes mega bonk stick and knocks the wind out of this person. i would assume cromwell is surprised by my entrance. a dart flies by gwens face.
cromwell knocks the fella out with another stab wound
ting puts the fires out.
gwen tries to help cromwell but she does not know how to heal this wound
she gets a dart in the right leg.
cromwell heals his wound.
gwen runs into an enemy. he renders my left arm useless.
cromwell hits his left arm
ting jumps off the roof.
gwen uses her flail and damages his right leg. this man is very tall.
he attacks qwen and she gets knocked unconcious. great.
cromwell hits his leg. and hits him in the head.
ting heals qwen and she wakes up ready to fight
we kill the larger man, and drag the smaller one back to camp. but he bleeds out and it is too late for first aid
we all make our way back to the circle. cromwell and gwen have many wounds.