jan 27 by Gwendolyn | World Anvil

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Sat 28th Jan 2023 04:58

jan 27

by Scorcheress Gwendolyn

my memory is lacking. we went to the black smith and met with a district manager who gave us deeds to 1 room apartments.
cromwell was working on locating missing children and whatnot but the school is off for the next 2 days.
i decide to work on my fingerless gauntlets.
gwendolyn does not know but axel was at a fighting ring fighting a wolf. the fight did not go so well but he did win in the end. with an insane amount of luck.
we continue to learn about the investigation that cromwell is helping with to find the possible missing children. the entire woodward family has gone missing except for the mother colleen. their father george sadly perished.
i asked if lilian noticed anything different with orianas apearance, her age is 14 years of age
we go off in search of margret taught phelix. one of the teachers noah states he used to teach jacob who graduated
one of the teachers said that the mother began to be protective of her children when their father died
another teacher ellie taught oscar crafts who is apparently very talkative. she said he was cute and very intelligent
we go to the office to ask about the mother keeping her children at home. it turns out she was filling out forms to excuse the children from school for awhile. we ask for the exact location of the mothers home in upper ark
ellie says that oscar would go on and on that they would play in the sewers that connects directly to their house
we make our way back to the arena
3 of us including myself lift the grate so we can continue into the sewers. we are now all just one party as combat people and support people
we hear the rush of water and move out of the way, in the 2nd room, i find a greater club named mega bonk stick by my friend pallagon.
we turn left and find blood, mary gets caught by a trap and her arm gets cut
cromwell shoots the 2nd rat, and i go after the 1st. with my new greater club, i completely squish it. sadly my great club is covered in rat guts and blood. hopefully i can clean it.
the 2nd rat, i try to bonk but sadly i miss and the rat does one damage to my lesser club.
axel and i try to pull a rusty lever but we fail.
we go to the other end of the hallway and pallagon pulls the much more used lever and we hear a bunch of gears grinding
the one door that we came across before is now opened, along the hallway is 2 chests on either side but we are unable to get to them because each chest is covered by grates with vertical bars that i am unable to lift.
ting can get through the bars and get us the stuff that is in the treasure chests. she sits by the grate and leaks oil and she is now an oil slime named blip. neat.
in the one chest there are 265 cards, a weapon: halberd
there is a lever that she pulls and the door opens. everyone is really freaked out that she is a slime and i am just curious.
blip is also going to try to get into where the other chest is. she took the item and hid it within herself
blip apologized to all of us for deceiving us.
for now we all take a break and rest for the night.