Session 19: Consequences by Will | World Anvil

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Sun 3rd Oct 2021 07:13

Session 19: Consequences

by Sergeant (Ret) Will Bakersmith

Will tried to slow his breathing as he changed back into Hishu form. He had escaped the police, hopefully the rest of the pack had done the same. Lelanli was looking bad, that poor girl didn't deserve to die tonight. Jericho had taken a bad hit or two as well. Will had seen enough action to know when someone had taken a near fatal injury. It had been a miracle that he hadn't dropped dead after being shot by the cops.
He thought of the last thirty minutes as he walked aimlessly around the city. As a hunter of darkness he had heard of such creatures, but to see a Beshilu here was worrying. It had fought hard and though the Pack had been victorious it was not without cost. Vlad and Jericho suffered heavy injuries and poor lelani. She had been splattered by the diseased monster's foul blood, poisoning her. The frantic escape continued to be an almost deadly affair. Will's fury at his packmates injuries and the general chaos caused him to lash out at an officer as he ran by to give Rufus and Lelani time to escape.
Will walked until he ended up back where he started: Meadow Park. As he walked by he saw more police, though the man he bit was not there. Then he saw a taller man with greying black hair and a clean shaven face, a familiar face talking to one of the younger officers
No Way.
"Frank is that you?" Will exclaimed loudly.
Frank turned, startled. Confusion covered his face for several seconds before his eyes lit up and a large smile took over his face.
"well if it isn't Will Bakersmith!" he said in a deep bombastic voice! "What has it been? 15 years?"
Will replied and the two began talking. They had been old warbuddies during Will's time in the military. In fact, saving Frank was the reason for his own nearly fatal injuries that ended that chapter of his life.
The conversation was enjoyable but brief. Will was filled with worry for the kids (the Pack) and Frank had a crime scene to deal with. They made plans to go for a drink some time soon before Will took his leave.
Will had barely gotten home before Jericho and Rufus stumbled in. Will helped Jericho to the couch before getting the young man some food. Jericho conducted a ritual to try and wipe the supernatural events from the minds of the humans tonight. While waiting for Jericho to come out of his trance, Will did some paperwork. He had a feeling the party they were planning might need to get moved or postponed because of their actions tonight and he wanted to be ready for it. He also sent a text to Frank to see when he wanted to go to Old Ironsides for a drink.
While Jericho worked on the rite, Rufus also filled him in about Lelani. What a relief she was okay. Today the pack learned that there was consequences to their actions. It was only pure luck that no one had died.

Continue reading...

  1. Session 16
    Summer 2020
  2. Journal 17: Interlude
  3. Session 11
    Summer 2020
  4. session 18
  5. Session 19: Consequences
  6. Session 21
    Summer 2020