Druids are weird by Zhang Sephia | World Anvil

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Grohlm 8

Druids are weird

by Zhang Sephia

We enter the town and scatter to get the supplies as quickly as possible so we can get out again before full dark. I head towards the schoolhouse to chat with the kids. I run into Ms. Roselli as I am approaching and we get into a conversation about Miss Melinda and the mayor. She tells me that Miss Melinda has been missing for over a month. She MIGHT be at her workshop, but Ms. Roselli doesn't know where that is. She suspects that some of her students might know where that is if I can get them to confess to going where they know they aren't allowed. She is also sure that the mayor is dead because he has never been missing from the main street for a day before. Also, he would never miss the visit of the Scorpion since every time she comes, he provides her a fancy candlelight dinner on the balcony of his store. He never showed up so he must be dead and she suggests I keep my eyes open for buzzards circling. I thank her for her time and then ask if there is anything going on that I need to know about and she tells me about the fact that a lot of the people in town have decided that enough is enough and it is time to leave town and make a start somewhere else. The biggest issue, besides the fact that about half of the population is going, is that many of the families are threatening to take not just their children but all of the kids with them figuring that any place is safer than Purgatory Gulch - even if they have to be without their family.
We meet at the stew pot after an hour and start exchanging notes and devising a plan. We will head towards the dead land which might be a crater and attempt to draw the fiend out by using Jesse as bait. Then Bart can throw some honey out and I can start firing arrows with holy honey-drenched fire arrows. We load up the beer cart with everyone except myself and Bruthazmus. He heads west to scout the western opening and I fly north to begin scouting to see if there is anyone or anything that seems to be looking for us. I see rolling hills which appear to be mostly uncultivated and the further north I get the more ridgelike the hills get. I do see one area where there is a cart wedged between slopes to create buildings. As I pass the final ridge leading to Oatman Canyon and I can see a distinct barrier and now it is more dessert-like than anyplace we have seen before. The area appears to be unhospitable and then I see vegetation. Rows of vine-like plants that are planted in obvious rectangular patches. I have seen about 50 different patches and I haven't gotten deep into the canyon at all. One thing I have not seen is any type of light. Then I think I hear a waterfall. How can there be a waterfall? The outside of the canyon has some good places that would make a good camp and has the potential to make a good offensive position. No way could the cart actually make it over that so it is a good thing that it took the western pass. I keep flying to stay far enough ahead to scout, but not so far that I might notify the enemy.
I spiral back and get there just as Bart is talking about finding evidence of things that should not be in a dessert which is when I mention the waterfall I heard. Jesse paints us all with "War Paint" and we venture into the darkness. Jesse starts out to create a druid grove which he thinks will work as bait. Then a creature steps out of a cactus and begins talking to Jesse and Bart. Next thing I see is Jesse taking off his clothes and then he turns into an owl. He flies up and starts talking wildly. Both Xifeng and I ignore him, but Rowtag flies with him. Then suddenly, he seems to change his mind and flies back down to the ground and turns back into a human. Then I feel her attention on me and I hear her say: "This is not my place. MEN who think it is fine to tell me what of my abilities to use when, and how, and why, they tried to CUT ME OFF from my HOME TERRITORY! They put their nasty, disgusting instructions on me as if it were RIGHT for them to do so! I do not want to be here. I do not want to do any of this! You seem like a competent guardian of the wild. I will be honest with you: so long as MEN are involved, I do not think anyone can save me. I think I am doomed. I will never see my beloved home again. I will wither in this dry, shallow, stale place. But why would YOU stay where no one respects you, no one listens to you, no one treats you with courtesy? Where hardly anything even grows? If these are too stupid to follow your guidance if they are so determined to hurt me and loot what little of myself I was allowed to keep, well. To hell with them. Fly, guardian; leave them to their depravity; go back to places of real trees and good fruit."
I attempt to determine if there is something I can do to defuse the situation and decide that I should interact directly with her and get the guys to get back onto the cart. I spiral down and land between them and her and tell the guys it would be best if they were to get back onto the cart and let us girls talk. They all refuse to listen to me. Maybe I have spent too much time in the background and there is no trust in my ability to deal with a situation. I keep my mouth shut and let the guys handle it. Then slowly there is a huge silver dude with a pumpkin for a head, briarseed children, cabbages that will kill us, and the fiend now has a longbow. They seem to be talking about us and then I decide I have waited long enough and I fly straight up and fire one of the holy honey arrows at his back and it goes straight through him. He is smeared with the holy honey and is causing him a lot of pain very obviously. The cabbages are confused and Jesse runs up and attempts to get the cabbages under his control. Then the dude explodes. Right in front of me. Something hits me and it does hurt. Then the battle is over and Jesse talks with the treant and she is obviously trying to tell him something, but I can't make heads or tails of it. We start heading towards Whippetal farm and whatever may happen

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  1. Purgatory 101
  2. Afternoon at Purgatory Gulch
    7th of Grolm, 578
  3. It was supposed to be a quiet night
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  4. Finally to the pond!
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  5. Druids are weird
    Grohlm 8
  6. Entirely too many cows
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  7. Interlude in the Nightmare Cow Level
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  8. Haunted house?
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  9. Out of house and into trouble
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  10. The path through
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  11. Into the caveat
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  12. Battle of the bands
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  13. Flying in a fog
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  14. Book, barn, and house
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  15. Squeaky Toys?
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  16. Healer needed
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  17. Strike Team
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