Entirely too many cows by Zhang Sephia | World Anvil

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Grolm 9, 578

Entirely too many cows

by Zhang Sephia

We begin a planning session to determine the best approach using the map the children gave me and the map Jesse made from his nighttime flight. Rescuing people is our most important priority, but we would also like the chance to lead the hell bovine army directly into the plant army mid-morning. I finally suggest that we don't have enough info and we know that the town is probably going to be attacked in a few hours. Bart then suggSpiro out to scout Agoseris barn first. He reports that there are prisoners there and some other things that lead the group to decide to attack this barn first. The plan is to circle quietly around and send Lee Chung to circle around back and enter the barracks quietly and perhaps release prisoners, perhaps take prisoners, and get ready to help us as we enter from the SW doors as the SE door is locked by Jesse. We get in place and Miro sets off an alarm and through the open door, we see A LOT of cows and even more sheep. Every single animal on our side of the barn - around 50 or so - turn and start moving towards us. Four of the creatures, one cow and three sheep, manage to get outside through the narrow opening. Bart and I fire immediately. I miss. I fire again after the cow stands up and proves that it truly is a hell bovine. This time I hit and I send Xifang for another honey arrow. I fire again and then the cow makes an attack run at Bart. I switch to the next animal - a sheep this time which is already standing up and manage to hit it. Suddenly the door on the other side bursts open and the hell bovines and hell woolies start stampeding towards the south - towards the Suncup barn.
Bart yells "RUN!!" so I take off into the air and I circle up high to check on the hopefully free prisoners that should be heading towards the wagon. I see 15 people stumbling towards the wagon - followed by five hell woolies. I fire off a quick shot, but I hit a cactus instead. I send Xifang back for a honey arrow and then do a quick dive straight into the group of the woolies. I manage to tumble them around and give the humans time to getaway. The only downside is that all of the woolies have their attention fixed on me. Two of them swing at me and Xifang and miss and two run to the top of the hill and are unable to handle the sunshine. I take a small mirror out of my pack and flash sunlight into the eyes of the two down in the hollow. They are also unable to focus while the light is on them, but I can't keep the light flashing in their eyes. I attempt to land beside one and hit them with my sword, but I miss. Then I take to the air again and fire arrows. Sometimes I hit, but most of the time I miss. So I take turns diving them and driving them back and keeping their attention on me so that the former prisoners can make it to the beer cart.
Then it is over and we are in the beer cart and allowing dagnabbit to go where he wishes while we attempt to gather our wits. There are still more cows.....................

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