Haunted house? by Zhang Sephia | World Anvil

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Grolm 9, 578

Haunted house?

by Zhang Sephia

We start to discuss what we should do. Our magic users need more sleep, but we need to get to the source of at least one of the problems and the farmhouse is closer than that whatever in the caves. Chica is determined to go and save her spouse and just knows that we can get in through the basement. We decide that the best thing to do right now is to hitch the cart, load up supplies, grab the magic-users, and head out. Since no one else seems capable, I go into the livery and grab a couple of sturdy horses and hitch them to the cart. Lee Chung starts bringing in supplies for the trip: feed for the animals, water, extra boots, cooking supplies, etc.
Once we finally get started, I fly point keeping a look-out for groups of anything vegetable or animal. Keeping in mind what the druid told us about the hell creatures being able to sense us rangers, I will stay just this side of the boundary around the farm and wait for the rest to catch up to me. There are sheep grazing on the hill below us leading down to the extremely large house in front of us. It is also obvious that there was some meteorite that hit here and maybe even a chunk of what is left making a small hill in front of the house. It looks like the east side if the normal entrance to the house so maybe Jesse's girlfriend was trying to trick us - or I could be charitable and think that she was either confused.
The others set off behind Chica while Bart and I stay on top of the hill keeping watch. They move slowly and try to circle around the first group of sheep, but Chef ends up on top of one of them. There is a lot of pantomime between Lee Chung and Chef and then Chef rolls off and gets under the sheep. Lee waits and then tosses a bundle of something over their heads and they mosey off that way and that leaves Chef laying on the ground - holding a halberd. While all of this was going on, Bart and I discuss if we need to intervene and the best plan we can come up with is to grab some rocks to be ready to toss. Since it doesn't end up being necessary, we keep watching while they move on down the hill. Then we notice a sheep that stands up and looks like it is grabbing for a weapon that it doesn't find. It then begins moving towards us and Bart knocks an arrow to get ready to fire. Since he refused to fire an arrow when the party was in danger earlier, we have a spirited discussion about that choice. The sheep wanders on looking for its missing weapon as we see the rest of the group disappear into the house.
I get bored and do a couple of quick fly rounds to see if anything is coming this way or if there is anything we need to be worried about on the other side of the house. Nothing weird or strange is going on outside. Bart suggests that we sneak up and get close to the house to see if we can listen outside a window. I keep an eye on the trees and brush to make sure that nothing is going to pop out and surprise us. Bart then turns to me and says, "Sephia, I see that it looks like there is a deck or porch built out above the first floor of the ranch house. There is what looks like a shuttered set of double doors that open out to the porch. We could scale the side of the wall here on the first floor up to that deck-porch, oil the hinges, open the doors careful and slow and get into what Chika said was the bedroom floor of the house. It would be a quiet way inside, and we'd surprise anyone on the other side of the doors." I respond that he can scale the wall if he wants, but I will just fly up and wait for him. I also offer one of my feathers for him to use in oiling the hinge if he has a good oil to use.
We figure it would be a good idea to listen at a window first so I pick one on one side of the deck, he listens at the other side. All I can hear is a bat up near the roof. We decide to try a different set of windows and all I can hear is quiet. This room is empty as well. I go back to Bart and we decide to go upstairs and enter to see what we can hear. I give him a feather and he oils the hinges and the latch and then we open it quietly and sneak in. From the door on the left we can hear whispering, the door on the right we can hear sounds of someone crying. Bart heads straight for the crying door and I follow but keep an eye on the left door so that we won't be surprised. That door opens and Miro steps into the hallway with wide eyes. I swoop over and grab him before he can cry out.
I carry him into the room with Chica and Bart and he starts babbling about Princess and south and hurry and journals and secrets and things. I can't get him calmed down enough and he finally just hands me the journals he found and tells me to read it for myself. I share the information with Chica and she says there is no way that Princess would have ever done what her brothers told her to do. We then discuss whether she would have gone north or west. North, the opposite of what her brothers told her to do and the location of that creepy tree guy in the cave. West, which is most likely the location of the pisky, Ms. Melinda. We all feel that going west and stopping the alchemist is the right thing to do first. Chica suggests we go up to the attic and get some necessary gear for the trip to Sarsparilla barn. Once we get up the stairs, we find a room that has a LOT of odds and ends and makes us think that perhaps a pisky has been kept captive - starting with the anti-pisky glyphs on the door that Miro discovers.
Suddenly Miro is talking to someone who is invisible. She appears and it is Ms. Melinda. We have finally found her and now maybe we can start getting to the bottom of all that has happened. She starts telling us about what has been happening, but I think she is not telling us the entire story. She is obviously making herself the hero - or at least not a villain. Then we hear the stomp of hooves coming up the stairs. Bart and I had meant to get set some snares, but we never made it. It is probably for the best as it would have made noise and got all of the others excited and after us. Now we have a chance to take out this one and give us time to get in hiding. I move under the workbench that is six feet above the floor and wait to pop out and use my lightning arrows.

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