Squeaky Toys? by Zhang Sephia | World Anvil

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13th of Grolm, 578

Squeaky Toys?

by Zhang Sephia

I am stuck inside this bedroom. Faith is making like a statue in the doorway, and I have tried twice to move him with no result. I call for help and Lee Chung responds by kicking the poor guy onto a bed. Not exactly what I expected, but maybe it didn't hurt him anymore. I am about to fly out of the room when we are suddenly in conversation with someone or something. She (it is very obviously a female) suggests that Lee Chung isn't a gentleman and should provide some kind of benefit to continue his existence. Lee Chung tosses some food on a bed and makes a dash for the other end of the house.
Then we begin to exchange pleasantries and she talks disparagingly about men in general and the meat mountain outside that I think we managed to at least render unconscious. She then invites me over to her room for tea and I fly over. I enter the room to see a HUGE female hell bovine dressed in khaki and very obviously thinking she is a princess. She has a tiara on her head! We begin to discuss the situation, but I am careful to not tell her anything that we have learned since we have been here. I even tell her that we were just investigating the storm and that is why we are in the area. I then pretend that her brimstone stench is too strong for me to stay in the same room, and I head out to try and find some lavender to counteract that. As I leave, I head straight out the door and enter the great outdoors and back into fog central.
But the fog is gone! I can see and hear a lot of commotion from my companions over by some glowing hay bales and head that way. Then I see a sheep and swing that way a bit so that I can help it - with an arrow or three. By the time I manage to fly there, it has already been involved in other shenanigans and I fly past it and head towards the hay bales on the southeast side of the circle and will tackle setting them on fire. I get the southernmost on fire and head to the northeast to the next one. I set that one on fire two and hear some agitated voices from the ground. Apparently, some of the briar seed children had other plans. Oh well. on to the next one. Fire and it is burning. Hopefully that will stop the circle from working!!
I turn around and see that Spryo is STILL trying to kill off one of the hell bovines so I fire an arrow that way, but I am obviously being tooo careful trying to not hit Spyro and completely miss. I take a deep breath and fire another arrow and manage to hit. It staggers some so it must be close to dead. I vaguely notice movement over towards the bunkhouse and see Lee Chung coming out with some others. Good - maybe he managed to handicap the princess - or NOT as I hear her yelling from inside the bunk house.

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  10. The path through
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  13. Flying in a fog
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  14. Book, barn, and house
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  15. Squeaky Toys?
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