The Road Less Traveled by Barnabas | World Anvil

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41st of Ursha

The Road Less Traveled

by Barnabas Lord Stonebriar

Cousin, we have begun the long trek up the Engrin river to the head waters. My companion the Arc, the Man of Steel says that this is where we will find the "Master", whom we believe is an old elf named Aeshrith. We hope to discover more information about Arc's "birthplace" or more properly maybe "place of awakening". It is all still slightly confusing. He is clearly made of primarily inorganic material, but most definitely has a "soul". He is able to receive the blessings of the Eternal Flame and be healed through my connection to the divine. He articulates and emotes like any other sentient, intelligent being and has feelings and emotions. It's quite fascinating and sometimes unnerving, but he is a true and stalwart companion. As his origination is where we found the decayed remains of the mate of the black dragon that attacked Stone Chimney all the years ago, one cannot help but wonder if there is some connection to the dragon in some obscure or oblique way. Never, my young Engraben companion, had the opportunity to be presented to Cousin Saphin as the true and brave hero she is. It was a difficult and emotional day for both of us revisiting that dark day. I needed many drinks and a several courses of tea in order to remove the ennui from my heart that day. We have now traveled a fortnight from the manor at New Stone Chimney, and has been a fairly rigorous, if somewhat calm time of travel. We did encounter a pack of lycanthropes which my boon troupe was able to fend off quite capably. And I was blessed by a White Stag! Can you believe it?! A true blessing of light that surely heralds good tidings and fortune to come. I have continued my culinary adventures and experiments with moderate success. I only had one significant catastrophe and have had the opportunity to sample and use the local herbs, spices and vegetables to sustain our traveling group. We have needed a small amount of hunting which fair Never has supplied us with. Coneys, and squirrels being the typical catch, however a hart was had that we were able to butcher and use for several days as well. Our supplies and rations have been mostly used to sustain our pack animals and Sir Reginald. We did happen across some sort of storage or deployment facility for the same entities as Arc or something similar at least. It seemed in disrepair for the most part and long decommissioned. There was one functional automaton left which seemed to follow a predetermined set of initiatives and activities to defend the space. There was also a giant crawler which seemed to live on the refuse left behind.
We are now within view of Mad Old Aeshrith's abode and hope to have more information or the answers Arc seeks. I hope to return to an area where I may be able to send this correspondence to you soon, as I know you tend to worry when I am out of touch for long periods. I miss the feel of soft slippers as opposed to hard boots, but my feet have thanked me for it, I assure you. A wash and a soak and a good hot stone would do them some good. I have been compiling notes for both a memoir and a tome of the recipes of the wild which I have been creating. Sometimes I feel like one of those eccentric alchemists the elves seem to have in vast supply, concocting tinctures and potions from the raw ingredients I find and transforming them into something delicious and hearty. It has been a joy and respite and helped calm a troubled mind when the worries of the road and our task creep in. Recipes of the Wild actually sounds like a wonderful title... or possibly Gastric Alchemy: A Culinary Journey to Parts Unkown. I will ruminate on that. Until I can share my findings in person, I hope the finds you well dear cousin.

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