A Mendicant's Letter by Barnabas | World Anvil

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31st of Derterion

A Mendicant's Letter

by Barnabas Lord Stonebriar

To His Grace, Bishop Barnabas Winslow Scott Stonebriar XXIV,
Your Grace,
Should it please the church, I am writing with tidings great and small of goings on within Stonebriarshire and abroad. While I have not been known to be the most astute nor dedicated of servants of the Light, I am writing first and foremost of my renewed dedication to the Everlasting Flame, and devotion to pushing back the Encroaching Darkness for as long as my lungs draw breath. While many of our calling do so out of a sense of community and good works as much as a belief in the Everylasting Flame as present, living and caring Divinity, I am writing to tell you that They are a present, sentient and engaged God. I have had the grace and fortune to have communed with the Burning Light of the Everlasting Flame directly. On more multiple occasions.
The first time, I was unsure of what I was engaged with. They came to me in the form of a magnificent white stag. They approached and knelt before me, and gave it's blessing to my companions and I. It was a pleasant feeling and one that we mostly brushed aside as we traveled up the Engrin River towards the Mage Aeshrith's abode. One of my traveling companions is a Man of Steel that was awoken by the mage. During our investigation of the mage's dwelling, it was discovered that he had disturbed some denizens of the deep earth. In our confrontation of them, my boon companion and fellow Engraben, Never Nestknitter, the survivor of Stone Chimney was struck down and lost her life. In my despair and grief, I prayed in earnest and true belief for one of the few times in my service, I must confess. This was my second commune and second encounter with the white stag. My vision went white, and I do not recall seeing anything but a white corona in the center of my sight. My companions described the same white stag we had encountered in the forest rearing up in silhouette around me and a white nimbus of light surrounding Never and causing her to breathe again, where there was no breath before. In truth, being used as a vessel for divine power in this quantity and this manner exhausted me. And truly shook me to my very core. I felt lost and afraid. You know well my history, cousin, and it would be no great intuition to say that many would not consider me the most worthy of vessels to bestow such a sacrament. I spent much of the time and journey back in prayer, in crisis, in absolute tribulation. Upon the return to New Stone Chimney, I was met by Father Qwinn, whom suggested a supplication, contemplation and meditation might help heal and ease my spirit. It was during this supplication, that I saw a blinding white light, and the more I focused on it, and the more I prayed for guidance, the closer it came to me, until I was bathed in it's Glory and cleansed of the doubt of my purpose. I was touched and comforted directly by Them, and given renewed purpose in our mission to be a beacon of hope, healing and guidance for all who may need it. To be a light against the dark, and the candle to light the night for souls to find their way home. May their light shine forever on.
We will speak more of these miracles when next we meet, and I assure you I will answer and recant any details you feel I have missed. Until then I will share my blessings with all who will accept it and any supplicants and pilgrims who may have need. Until then, I have some pieces of news which I feel are of some import and some of which may need to be discussed with the Abbot General. Foremost is that the Guide has been seen walking the earth. I thought it a fancy or fairy tale at first. In truth I have been traveling with a true fairy, from the Feywild, for some time now, so those fairy tales seem to be real as well. In any case, I have seen the guide with mine own eyes now, if only briefly. It was not a trick of the light, nor wind in the night, but truly Him, so he does walk the land now.
Second, while exploring the remains of a pre cataclysm complex, we discovered that the Men of Steel, or Warforged as I have been informed they are known as, were originally tools and weapons of great Infernal and Celestial armies from before the cataclysm. While they may have been the creations of these great beings, some few have gained sentience, and possess souls. They can accept the spark and radiance of divine power, such as words of healing, and inspiration granted by the Everlasting Flame. It seems that this great conflict may have been at least partly the cause of the cataclysm.
And finally, I have had Saphi petition the Duchess and Duke-Consort on my behalf to create a cloister at Stone Chimney. It will house a new hospitable order of friars, novitiates, and priests that will be known as the Order of the Argent Hart. I have left funds for Father Qwinn to start renovation and construction on the grounds designated by our cousin. I have awarded Never Nestknitter patents and the titles, Warden of Stone Chimney, and Warden of the Order of the Argent Hart. I have enclosed the tenets of the new order, as well as the charter for it's foundation.
I am sure it will come as a relief for our cousin, the duke consort, that this will be my last official act as a member of Engraben nobility. I will be petitioning the duchess for release from my titles, and familial responsibilities, to be able to devote myself completely to the service of the Everlasting Flame. But we will discuss this more before I petition her. We should be traveling to Ciendris shortly.
It will be so good to see you Scottie, it has been too long. Your Grace, that is.

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