Gnomish Hospitality by Barnabas | World Anvil

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7th of Ursha

Gnomish Hospitality

by Barnabas Lord Stonebriar

Cousin, we have been traveling to retrieve a reward that my companions have earned! We stopped in a quaint Gnomish village where we were treated to wonderful hospitality. While I endeavored to not displace our hosts, they insisted that they stay in the stable with Sir Reginald, while we occupied their home. The fare of the common folk, while not always extravagant is always hearty and delicious and made with genuine affection. I think I shall pick up the implements used In the culinary arts and entreat the good folk we encounter to teach me their ways! Possibly even pen a tome!
And also. There were bugbears. They were handled by my more than capable companions. So not to worry. I was very safe. And I have now seen a dragon! Not a large one, mind you. Maybe the size of Reggie.
I will write again soon. Miss brushing your hair fair cousin.