Assessment Log: Crystal Syllar by Jesse | World Anvil

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Tue 18th Oct 2022 01:17

Assessment Log: Crystal Syllar

by Jesse Bell

From everything I know about Crystal so far, if I were to describe her in a single word, I would use the term "unorthodox". She has a strong sense of personal identity as a Devil's Bane performer. Honestly, I'd even say that her sense of self is even stronger than mine, so there is a lot to learn from her. I initially thought the trauma of those kidnappings would have made her distrustful of others, but it turns out I was wrong. She's optimistic, versatile, spontaneous, and has no difficulties whatsoever meeting and greeting new people. Crystal's sense of identity makes her conscious of people who repress themselves, the worst offense in her books is for someone to repress others. That is why she opposes Gatapoli with every ounce of her being; because the government makes the calls for its people for better or worse, they seldom have opportunities to forge their own destinies.
Crystal and I briefly showcased each other's combat styles. I showed her that I was a martial artist, and on her end, she bisected the training dummy with her scythe. I would have thought that a scythe was a big, slow, and unwieldly weapon to use. She proved me wrong, spinning the weapon with grace and using its momentum to make clean cuts. I believe that by creating a propulsion system for her scythe, it would rely less on her musculature, making each strike more effective. The only issue for me is fitting in the new systems, since it is already designed to fold into different shapes.
She is a good friend who covers my weaknesses as a person, and she is a valuable ally as well. I don't know how much I can help Crystal in her quest to proliferate individual freedoms, but as long as she is concerned with public well-being, then I'd say we make a really good team.