Personal Log: The Street Thugs by Jesse | World Anvil

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Tue 18th Oct 2022 01:18

Personal Log: The Street Thugs

by Jesse Bell

The weekend came about once again, and I wanted to do something productive: practice my social skills. I'll need to learn how to be comfortable talking to new people if I want to land a successful internship. That's why I looked for Crystal, but she was nowhere to be seen all day! Then, it hit me: I needed to arrive at the night club without anyone's help, so I wouldn't keep latching onto her for interaction. I referenced my map as I walked the streets, also attempting to rely on my memory of what the alleyways looked like. Unfortunately, the night club itself was not listed on the map, and I ended up totally lost without Crystal's guidance! Shortly after realizing that, I encountered eight mean-looking thugs, and they believed I was easy game, demanding I cough up my money. Standing my ground and steeling my resolve, I warned them to stay back. My mind was racing back to when I encountered people like them in the marketplace, extorting people where the guards were nowhere to be seen. I thought I was in for another thorough beating like last time, until I saw a shadow cast over all of us, proclaiming:
"By the light of the stars, I shall punish you!"
The girl who shouted that cast some sort of light spell, knocking out one of the thugs. I used that opening to roundhouse kick another one unconscious, it was then six to two. Actually, would that be three, including her little Pyrausta companion? I'll go with six to three. My rescuer would then join me as we fought back-to-back. Using my shielding prostheses, I managed to keep myself from getting sliced by their blades while staying on the defensive, knocking out two more. The mage then cleaned up the rest of them, knocking them out cold. It was the first time I ever made it to the end a real fight without losing consciousness. As we tied them up for the authorities to fetch later, she told me her name was Stardust, and her little companion's name was Ember. That's when I realized I just met a real vigilante! Although I'd rather do licensed work, I can easily respect her deeds as a heroine.
Stardust told me that she knew where Crystal was, and even gave me directions to see her! She even claimed she heard of me, likely from the daily papers. Being recognized by someone like her was really something. I followed her instructions, but thought it would be suspicious if we suddenly encountered each other, so I changed routes to meet Crystal back on campus. In spite of that, I walked right into her; it may sound contrived, but it's true! It turned out both of us had an appetite for a late night meal, so Crystal took me to a crepe shop to get food into our stomachs. Apparently, she's really embarrassed by the prospect of being hungry, is that a girl thing? I'm not so sure anymore. Regardless, I learned that Crystal also performs part time at that local café she mentioned! Walking to a nearby fountain, she played this really relaxing free-form music, which was unexpected but pleasant regardless. We then returned to campus yet again.
I never told Crystal about the thug encounter, even if she cracked a joke saying "No getting mugged on me" when we bumped into each other (in the literal sense). I don't intend on telling her either, so she doesn't feel that she failed me with her absence.