Eles's First Days at Affgroth by Eles | World Anvil

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Fri 23rd Feb 2024 07:06

Eles's First Days at Affgroth

by Eles Raagha

The first 2 days at the city of Affgroth have been eventful. Dara got into a fight almost immediately. Which was interrupted by Dara's father Dorath. Thankfully, I was healing Dara quite a lot. Dorath is very different than the parents and authority figures I grew up with. Very cold, never touched Dara who he has not seen in years. He basically gave us 3 of the city's problems to solve in order to actually get an audience with the council. Although, I think I overheard something about her being banished from the city. There are goblins terrorizing the north tunnels of the city, there is a ship or something like that missing? and the water levels of the city are 4cm lower than they usually are. We also met Tiny and Joey, 2 of Dorath's bodyguards who seem very close to Dara. She is still a very closed off figure to me in a lot of ways. She may even be closed off to herself. Before we met her father, she seemed nervous so we talked through our goals with her. She did not want to come back to Affgroth, but we need to the Dwarves to know about the brewing war. Dara did not need to go to her father with her tail between her legs. Dara is an accomplished fighter. She is coming to the city with important information. I think she did well. The "meeting" was short, and we decided to find lodging in Half-town. In a complete tone-shift, the people in the halfling bar recognized Dara but absolutely welcomed her.
It was also nice to see Manny comfortable in that bar. He met some followers of Yondala and stayed in her temple overnight. Thankfully Guatir has taken to Manny and they stayed together. He received a boon from Yondala, a beautiful breastplate. Manny is quite attached to his own armor, he suggested I wear it, I still just had some leftover elven chain from our travels. Usually I loathe wearing armor, but this plate is remarkable. I feel more alert and powerful beyond the extra protection. I have only reached out to Yondala on my own once. When I brought Manny back. Not an ideal way to meet a goddess for the first time. I do not think the Matron was happy with me either. The domains of Yondala and the Matron do not seem to be in complete opposition. I think it means something that Guatir likes Manny so much. Beyond the obvious fact that Manny is very likeable. Dara is likeable as well, and Merrli, well, I still do not know what to make of him. His ghost registers as undead to me, but not evil or celestial. It is something, else. Some days I feel completely overwhelmed with our small party's mission. When I set out from home, I had no idea what the Matron had in store for me. Merrli was put in my path for a reason. I am on this path for a reason.
I wish I had some of the druids from home to help with the water. I wish I had anyone from home. It's been so long since I've spoken elvish. There is so much of home that I miss. Guatir is a comfort, but I have not done a proper worship for the Raven Queen in months. I have to admit, like Dara, I am reticent to return home. Will it be seen as a failure? Will Merrli seem like an act of aggression? The Raven Queen does want to keep the line between life and death clear, and he smudges that line. Maybe Manny does too. I do not know of anyone in my family that cast a spell like the one I did. We don't try and bring people back. Either keep them alive or keep them dead. That is the way of things. A sibling older than me would be better suited to this than I. They are more experienced and have more education. Much of the magic I use has been learned by necessity and panic in some cases. Perhaps I am a messenger in all of this. Once we talk to the Dwarves and visit home, one of my siblings who actually wields a weapon will be called to fight. And whatever is the will of the Matron, I will follow.