Traveling with Tabaxi and Lizardfolk by Eles | World Anvil

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Sat 23rd Sep 2023 08:29

Traveling with Tabaxi and Lizardfolk

by Eles Raagha

We are helping the Tabaxi bring the Lizardfolk back to the Tabaxi capital via a Tabaxi camp closer by. Mithraw (sp.?) was the Tabaxi that got turned into a halfling. I think I remember it being a reincarnation through a wild magic surge? He (?) and Manny spent a lot of time together, with Mithraw asking Manny "how do you be a halfling."
During one of our discussions, Merrli was surprised that it was the 2nd age.
The Lizardfolk stuck VERY close to Eles, including the main priest (?) that was brought back. Eles asked them what had happened in the temple right before they died. Their memories are muddled, but they remember a massive earthquake, the cube of the scaled mother appeared with the Soul Slice sword and a cube formed around them. There was something else about casting spells to form the space around them, but the Yuan-ti stopped them and killed them presumably. Krinrez corroborates that with the texts they've read, but Soul Slice was not the Scaled Mother's sword. Was it the sword that killed her?
There was a glint of silver in the road, Dara recognized it? Interlocking rings-symbol of true silver, Doulin/Braynore or Baranore silver? At any rate, Dare was definitely hiding something from the party.
On our travel to the camp, Eles saw a cobalt flash about 10ft off the road. A snake woman appeared, screaming "You killed my sister" and threw 6 daggers, Krinrez took 53 damage and died or went unconscious. One dagger was thrown at Eles while she was totally focused on bringing Krinrez back up. A raven appeared and took the damage for Eles. After the assassination attempt, Dara investigated the dagger, it was made by a famous swordsmith, made during the demon wars, super magical and something about dark blue smoke, did it disappear? Merrli investigated the dagger that was in the raven and he determined that the dagger is enchanted to deal poison and continue dealing poison as the knife stays embedded. Merrli gave it to the Tabaxi ranger.
Dara and Merrli had a conversation about his death and "corpses should stay dead". They also talked about Dara's motivations and possible signs from a god? That night Dara dreams about training with her mentor. Sees the Doulin symbol of true silver.
More traveling with Tabaxi. They tell us about their lives/culture: Taj'it is a beautiful large tree in the capital (?). 3 weeks (ish) until the "gathering" of the Tabaxi council and something about the original clan of Tabaxi.
That night, Dara and Eles kept watch and Manny and Merrli kept watch.