First Days at Affgroth (notes ooc) by Eles | World Anvil

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Fri 23rd Feb 2024 06:03

First Days at Affgroth (notes ooc)

by Eles Raagha

Dara kicks in the war room doors. We entered a long chamber, more like a "planning room" than a "war room". We see Dara's father (Dorath) and 2 guards, Tiny and Joey. Tiny is a large dwarf and Joey has a prosthetic leg. Joey gave Dara a note, she laughed derisively and said she doesn't plan on staying in Affgorth.
The rest of the party (I think) told Dara that she does not have anything to prove to her father. We are here with important information that Dorath should listen to. We need the aid of the Dwarves in the upcoming Demon War II. Dara tells Dorath that we have more important things to talk about than his ego.
Dorath pushes 3 pieces of paper towards us. Something about Dara accepting a banishment?
-Goblins are terrorizing the North Tunnels
-Silverhead missing ("L. Dorath?")
-water levels are 4cm lower than usual
other random notes from that meeting:
"banished captain"
Civil Unrest
?"Killing pats + mats"
Abboleth priests?
We agree to work on the three things in order to...get an actual audience with Dorath and the council. Walking out of the building, Dara notices the waterfall used to look better, not just one problem
Half-town is the only borough without a seat on the council
Staying the night in half-town (Manny sees odd things?)
The bartender recognizes Dara and she schmoozes with them and buys them all drink
Manny talks to the bartender and the owner- Ninny and Nanny. Manny asking them about halfling deaths in the city. He is told there didn't used to be tension, there is some now. Some notes that there was no fighter for the Proudstones, that was supposed to be Dara? So an Opalbraid fought, but still lost. Dara likes his dad very little. The barkeep slyly drew a symbol of Yondala for Manny. It's a symbol from a more radical sect of Yondala followers and they head toward a temple.
Lore drop about the current state of political affairs in Affgroth. "Eldroth's matriarch"? a ship has not been seen in 6 months?
5 families-5 clans. lots of in-clan fighting. Especially the Proudstones and Opalbraids
Cragcloak, Smeltbreaker, Coalmane are the other 3 clans. Whoever wins the kinsfolk festival is leader of council for 2 years until the next festival.
Eles and Merrli investigate his ghost familiar. He flags as "undead" to Eles as well as "not evil" and "not celestial" but still undead...weird.
Merrli investigates the water levels, the water's slow, like there's something in the way or something was diverting it.
Manny gave his story to the barkeep's wife, a priestess of Yondala "he took that as a sign he didn't understand" is that about Manny? She did not believe Manny's power comes from Yondala. He falls asleep in the temple with Guatir nearby.
Next Session
Manny had dreams w/Yondala
-Manny and Hops hanging out with folks, some who Manny know to be dead
-2nd dream not bad but making preparations for famine. Also a form of worship to Yondala
-Manny alone, fighting something, he doesn't remember but recognizes it as him. He's gleaming with radiant power, embued with some power.
Manny woke up and found the priestess. She reveals she's had dreams of famine, but they've been intermittent. Manny fills her in on what's happened. Ninny ends up believing Manny
Dara woke up being dragged by Umstrek Axeshoulder. Basically threatens Dara to not make a fool of the family. Vibe of "How dare you leave" Umstrek is not concerned about the reputation of Dorath, but the respect for her family in general. "straighten up and fly right"
Manny also finds a breastplate, after a lot of conversation, it's given to Eles.
Investigating the water first, before Dara's tournament fight.
Sprawling canals, 5ft deep, made for barges. Water or barges are controlled by druids*. We try to find where the current changes. Merrli finds the current and he finds a long tube sucking up a lot of water. Kind of normal, but Merrli and Manny investigate further while Dara and Eles head for the tournament grounds.
At the tournament grounds. Lots of people selling things. Oracles calling out to people. Eles does not choose cards from an oracle. Dara chooses cards from an oracle. She pulls the River and Bargain cards. Themes of the day: exchange/sacrifice and choice. The fates are watching over her. Dara wins her fight and is scheduled for the next day, the third of ??. She is fighting on behalf of the halflings so they can have a voting seat on the council
Manny and Merrli fight gnomes and goblins that were working in the mountain on their own, some kind of illicit activity. The two of them fight alone for a while. Dara and Eles eventually join when they're also fighting a cave troll.
We try and figure out who to talk to. Dara suggests telling Tiny, but he's not as his home. Instead we meet "Big T", Tiny's son. He calls Dara "Aunt" and both my heart and Eles's absolutely melt.
Dara's next competition is against the Opalbraids.