Tunnels, tea and tactics by Gabriel | World Anvil

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Tue 22nd Oct 2019 02:48

Tunnels, tea and tactics

by Gabriel 'Gayle' Garcìa

* Huzzah! We rejoined the rest of the party, with a bit of fast talking and a flying spell we found them down a hole and in a tunnel. I’m not familiar with the group’s dynamics, but Petros found it odd and challenged the group’s choices and Tane’s intentions.
* I used my diplomacy skills to also question Tane on what was behind all of this scurrying. Can you believe he wanted us to join a cult? Apparently Struth knows the combination to the secret door in the library but he’s not giving it up to anyone. How noble of him to spare us the burden of being a threat.
* I had the most gorgeous orange and poppyseed cake, and we learned of two groups fighting over a fallen star and some bad stuff inside of it. It’s not really my cup of tea so I’m glad we didn’t sign up for any involvement. Getting out proved my point, these guys are not worth the orange poppyseed recipe.
# I look forward to debriefing back at the tavern tonight and hope to bond further with the group. I sense these 2 years apart may have fractured their friendships and they seem a little out of sync. But a good meal, a great song and a lot of ale can help grease those gears.