Gabriel 'Gayle' Garcìa | World Anvil

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Gabriel 'Gayle' Garcìa

A well-heeled eccentric gentleman with peculiar behaviours and well-kept goatee.

Played by
Natasha Gehrmann

Started RPG with a bunch of friend of friends and now fully converted

Other characters
Mon 23rd Dec 2019 01:43

Softly into the night

by Gabriel 'Gayle' Garcìa

* Struth kept a clear head and sorted what was worth taking while Mal kept cover. Petros and I were assigned some bigger items to Teleport out with along with “her” remains.
* Back at the inn we were able to have our last communion with Fox through those pervasive vials, first Petros then Mal both confirmed her wishes and warning to not disturb The Fallen Star and prevent The Brotherhood from doing the same.
* After a silent rest of the night and in the morning arrangements were made for her body to be cremated (for ease of travel). That Albert character was hanging around like a bad smell, talk about timing! Even a new young thing couldn’t distract him long enough to keep his big nose out of our business.
# I wonder which way Albert swings? I wonder what his intentions are? I have a mind to get to know him better if only to uncover what he’s hiding. I hope to ask Petros for assistance as I fear we’ll need to play him from multiple angles. A ruse is a foot!

Gabriel's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Encounter of the last family line
    21 Oct 2019 11:32:34
  2. The start of a beautiful friendship
    21 Oct 2019 11:33:13
  3. Dodging The Derge but Carnage in the Library
    21 Oct 2019 11:35:03
  4. Tunnels, tea and tactics
    22 Oct 2019 02:48:21
  5. Middledocks, Fanboys and an Old Friend
    01 Nov 2019 09:47:08
  6. Magic all the way, baby
    10 Nov 2019 11:15:18
  7. All in name of Alchemy
    10 Nov 2019 11:45:09
  8. Exit from The Library - take two!
    17 Nov 2019 09:36:41
  9. To all constructs, intents and purposes...
    03 Dec 2019 12:55:24
  10. ...and then one fell.
    16 Dec 2019 05:40:34
  11. Softly into the night
    23 Dec 2019 01:43:55

The major events and journals in Gabriel's history, from the beginning to today.

The start of a beautiful friendship

Gabe’s inner thoughts... * Not a full day out of my little hamlet and already I’d experienced such talent! The bard last night was riveting and I feel quite tickled pink. * Preliminary talks are underway on possible business solutions, Mal seems...

03:56 am - 12.10.2019

Encounter of the last family line

Gabe’s inner thoughts... 3 wins and 1 wish * I’ve found my relative! He is younger, as expected, and a well rounded individual from what I’ve seen thus far. I look forward to getting to know him better. * With the last task of Grand Aunt Hei...

04:04 am - 12.10.2019

Dodging The Derge but Carnage in the Library

* So I missed out on passing through The Derge *phew* while the others took a chance, but I did find an apple vendor on the way to the Library after that Dog Girl left me. She's damaged in ways I can't even start to imagine, I wonder if it's all part of a...

12:05 pm - 13.10.2019

Tunnels, tea and tactics

* Huzzah! We rejoined the rest of the party, with a bit of fast talking and a flying spell we found them down a hole and in a tunnel. I’m not familiar with the group’s dynamics, but Petros found it odd and challenged the group’s choices and Tane’s...

07:26 am - 21.10.2019

I’m now an EPIC HERO!

I’ve laid down some coin to join a guild.

11:27 pm - 26.10.2019

Middledocks, Fanboys and an Old Friend

* Grateful to be out of The Derge and back in the comfort of our Red Dragon Inn, on top to see my wares are safe too. # Wondering if it wouldn’t be prudent to market my items individually... Would like to speak to Struth and see if he can assist in ...

09:47 pm - 01.11.2019

Magic all the way, baby

* Got a chance to use magic to hide my alchemy lab, forgot I had the spell rope trick. * Dripping in magic, Petros and I made a pretty good team! * I think I worked out a way to get into The Catacombs, Fox will be pleased. # Must remember to use ...

11:15 am - 10.11.2019

All in name of Alchemy

* This town seems to have a serious, growing substance problem. Another dealer interacted with us and I purchased a few samples to see what all the fuss was is about. * I started by taking my lab back up to our room and alleviating Barley and his staff...

11:44 am - 10.11.2019

Exit from The Library - take two!

* Have progressively been feeling unwell as the day rolled on and found myself almost breaking character as my body took over in decision making. Wow, that was a powerful stench! Glad I was in disguise, imagine if someone good looking had this as their fi...

09:36 am - 17.11.2019

To all constructs, intents and purposes...

* I managed to right myself after feeling a little unwell after our stint in The Library. A little bit of retail therapy and a nanna nap did the trick. * Teleporting the hostages and our party straight out of the Elder Brotherhood Hideout was so AMAZIN...

10:14 am - 03.12.2019

...and then one fell

* What a night! The dwarves are safe outside the city and I had enough time to return safety and get some sleep. Good, because I’d be useless without my spells. * This group lacks direction. Mal is earnest but with no “captain” we seem to default...

05:40 am - 16.12.2019

Softly into the night

* Struth kept a clear head and sorted what was worth taking while Mal kept cover. Petros and I were assigned some bigger items to Teleport out with along with “her” remains. * Back at the inn we were able to have our last communion with Fox through...

01:43 am - 23.12.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Gabriel.

Played by
Natasha Gehrmann

Started RPG with a bunch of friend of friends and now fully converted

Other Characters by Mrs G