Disappointment, Another New Guy, and the Cultist HQ by Edo | World Anvil

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Sat 28th Oct 2023 01:06

Disappointment, Another New Guy, and the Cultist HQ

by Edo The Ender

Goodnight saw that I Was sad and offered to do something for me. I asked her to bring back Eloi and Harrow, and she said she couldn't. She can't be trusted. Instead, she placed a coin on each of them. The one on Harrow scorches. I took all their god stuff. I think they would have been proud of that. ELoi had a fancy dagger and of course his crowbar. Harrow had a raven skull pendant. They both had some money. Since I am so fair, I put some of the money, the silver ones, away for the whole group. That was very nice of me I think. Oh also, hey guess what? Did you know Eloi was made of dead wood? Maybe he was part tree...? Anyway he had some etchings in his body, so I took rubbings of them. They might help me figure out his story.
A new guy is hanging out with us now. His name is Windward, and he's got pretty scars tattoos and runes all over his body. The runes look like the ones from my book. He keeps staring at me and giving me funny looks. He's weird. One time, he told me his mom's name was, "Notimportantrightnow." That's a long and weird name. He might be full of bullshit. I bet he is. and probably, he's teamed up with Goodnight, because she said her name is, "Idontknow,"... even though it's actually Goodnight. What a strange thing to lie about. Maybe they are speaking in a code... ohhhh maybe it's a secret code! I'm going to keep my eyes on those two.
The governor whosit guy asked us to figure out why they got attacked. He's going to give us each a bunch of gold. I asked that Eloi and Harrow also get a burial they would approve of, and some more healing potions.
A guy who walks funny wants us to find his dad or something.
We got into a fight with some kobolds and cult guys. They're all dead now, but we found a pretty necklace, some silver, and some books. The books didn't have any secrets, so I let Chill have them.
Another day, we got ambushed, but we killed all those guys too. It was fun. OH! Also a weird thing happened while I was fighting. I got big big. I think it had something to do with Windward, because after I got big, he got bigger too.
Anyway, one day Goodbye's birdie told us there was a big camp of cultists ahead. They had prisoners. One of them is probably that guys dad, but if we try to rescue him alone, we would all die. Instead, we decided to wait until a few of the cultists left the camp so that we could take one of them prisoner and let the governor and his people question them. Well, we did all that, but then there were people looking for us! We made some distractions and ran until we found a hiding hole. That's where we are now, so Shh!