The Awakening by Borris | World Anvil

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Tue 8th Jun 2021 02:49

The Awakening

by Borris

I awoke on a slab of stone in an unfamiliar area. Looking around for my friends I came across a dwarf who informed me where I was and what had happened. My risk with the smart water was not thought out well, I need to do more thinking. It caused my cool arm to fall off and spew what seemed like oil out of the wound. My friends helped me the best they could as I passed out from the pain. After I woke up and got my bearings I went to find my friends with the help of some dwarven guards. We came across them in the lower levels of the palace, Sam had somehow gotten stuck under my axe and no explanation was given to why he was trying to get frisky with my axe. Fazing in and out of the day we continued on our adventure, looking for gold before going to far. We striked a deal with a poor wizard to bring a live troll to him for 150 gold. We couldn't convince Sam to sell the cage for the gold without doing the work. He wanted to be nice to the rude/poor wizard, it wasn't enough gold in my opinion to be nice to him.
Off we went to go capture this blue water troll. The plan was to use me as bait in a cage but unfortunately the troll was smarter than we were led to believe. It did not take the bate and sat in the water waiting for ambush. Our party then began to battle the troll, it kept healing from our blows. Nothing could keep the damage until Sam hit it with fire, once it was touched by the fire all of our hits stuck to it. We finally got the troll knocked out by tripping it and making it hit its head on the cobble stone bridge. We tried to move it into the cage before it woke up but it started to wake up before we go it fully in. We had to bonk it pretty hard to get it the rest of the way in.
We took it back to the rude wizard and got paid the tiny amount of gold, I like the drunk guy that helped us. He was stronk like me.