Arriving through the portal by Borris | World Anvil

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Sat 2nd Oct 2021 10:02

Arriving through the portal

by Borris

We have arrived at the capital of Skand, my friends were able to keep the portal open long enough to get everyone through. It seemed to strain them a lot though, Noelani, Aerilyn and Sam all seemed pretty down afterward. Once through a Cat looking fellow, approach the guards and us and starting almost haggling with them over us. I know we are a pretty cool group but no need for things like that. Kala, the big cat, and Cordilla, a blue tall person, offered rooms at their Inn if we liked. Everyone accepted their offer very quickly, everyone seemed to want to sleep rather quickly...I just wanted a drink after all that excitement. As soon as we went through the door I tried to find a ale unattended or the bar keep to get some more from. Turns out Kala was the bar keep as well, something weird happened though because almost as soon as we go there they shoved us in a closet. Both me and Sam were squished against the wall, it was not comfortable at all! What seemed like hours passed and I got tired of waiting, I don't know why they shoved us back there but I ran out of ale rather quickly...I was pretty thirsty. I tried to push myself out of the closet but as soon as we got to the door the tall blue lady opened it from the outside. Everyone toppled out, Aerilyn seemed to hurt herself on the ground...she might need to start wearing some heavier armor if the ground hurts her like that. Not wanting to keep us up late they told us they would explain things in the morning so we all went to bed. Again, I had the terrible dream...this time there was more detail to the sculptures. I saw my friends frozen in ice and blood and the creature was still pounding at the door to get in. I need to figure out a way to stop these dreams, they have been terrible ever since we fought the giant spider.
After we woke shit hit the fan, apparently the elf got killed...taken...something. All I heard was there was a giant symbol on the wall in blood and she was gone. It might be tied to the people disappearing on the boats. It turns out Kala and Cordilla are part of a spy group? A secret group?? Something that sounds pretty cool, that are trying to solve the same mystery we are. I'm quite curious if they will want to join us in solving it.