Gathering Intel for Knights by Rhogar | World Anvil

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16 of Malinvar, 1420

Gathering Intel for Knights

by Rhogar

Sylvia Gerst, a Lieutenant in the Knights of the Elks wanted to scout the surrounding area of Glennhaven for Lurgas Soldiers, as the Knights have information the enemy has a forward base. Of course I will aid her, she and the Knights have been nothing but accepting of me. Levy, Nikon, Ulgar and Gnar decide to join us on this scouting mission. The boy Gnar has gotten new blades, perhaps we will make a swordsmen of him yet. Ulgar is strange as ever to me, but still, having him along is helpful, he understands more about these months than I do. Levy and Nikon seem like the young energetic types, they fared well.
We go to see Ser Gerst to gain information about current troop movements, he is a great leader, he has much and his shoulders and takes it all in his stride. We gear up and get ready to head out when a commotion erupts near Ser Gerst's Tent. Assassins!! ATTACKING SER GERST!!!!
My years of training kicked in and closed the distance immediately as did the boy. We made short work of them, kept one alive for questioning. He had been hired by Lurgas to kill Ser Gerst and disrupt the military presence in Glennhaven. He tells us that Lurgas has repurposed nearby ruins as a secondary forwarded base. Of course we will investigate it and eliminate the threat.
We travel out that night and spend a day attempting to located these ruins. According to Sylvia, in Northern Aetrus, on this day during this month on this night, we are travelling under the "Blood Moon" where the rising dead are stronger....great. And as if to prove her point, we are assaulted by ghouls during the night. This month is becoming my least favorite.
After taking quite a long time to find the entrance to these ruins, we manages to find them and see it being patrolled by a guard in Lurgas colors. We decide to go quiet and take them one at a time, I don't like doing this sort of work, but this is war, and what I was trained for, so when the guard came next, he did not get to enter again. Two more inside, they two went down quietly. We moved forward as quietly and quickly as we could, room by room before we came upon their commanders. Their leader had a nice set of full plate armor about my size. Once I get rid of those horns, it will look really nice on me.
After defeating their command, the rest were easy to mop up. We discovered the were taking prisoners, a Gildgardian and a Thug. We released them both, The thug was more happy to tell of his latest conquest against some Cultist.......nothing else happened.
The jig was up and the fight was on, their commander in full plate armor came forward, but Lurgas seems to produce weak soldiers, maybe that's why they need to consort with demons. Once the head of the snake was cut, the body died quickly after. They were taking prisoners, a Gildgardian

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