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Vurak is Great Inventor Drathan, learned from Big Smith-Sister. Vurak is currently searching for things in Shar.

Campaign & Party

Fri 14th Oct 2022 07:39

Hastily Scribbled Addition to Note to Grelk-Folk

by Vurak

[The following is written in a Pidgin mix of Draconic and Giant, and encoded additionally.]
Vurak survived monsterkilling. Went to Hotplace-Plane and talked to Wonderperson for advice.
Vurak askbegged Dominion-Folk for help, and Dominion-Folk will send help for Grelk-Folk. Letter is proofwriting. Bring madethings and all of Grelk-Folk if possible. Vurak does not know planmakings, but if presented, only trust if no Köll-crest. Vurak is busy doing explorework with Big-Folk and cannot cometalk immediately. Preferred method of spawnkilling is crackfalling, is how Vurak killed ten years ago, is not possible in Shar-place. Vurak has fruit and meat to give to Grelk-Folk when come, even some other foodthings. And Vurak can now help with angerath.
Vurak has lotsmuch to say. Please survive. Be careful. Gelethis-Big-Folk are watchlooking and searchseeking.

Vurak's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Log of Vurak 1
    03 Sep 2021 07:58:51
  2. Note to Grelk-Folk
    09 Jul 2022 01:33:59
  3. Hastily Scribbled Addition to Note to Grelk-Folk
    14 Oct 2022 07:39:18

The major events and journals in Vurak's history, from the beginning to today.

Hastily Scribbled Addition to Note to Grelk-Folk

[The following is written in a Pidgin mix of Draconic and Giant, and encoded additionally.] Vurak survived monsterkilling. Went to Hotplace-Plane and talked to Wonderperson for advice. Vurak askbegged Dominion-Folk for help, and Dominion-Folk will s...

06:49 pm - 14.10.2022

Note to Grelk-Folk

[The following notes are written in a Pidgin mix of Draconic and Giant, and encoded additionally.] Vurak notewrites in case Vurak dies. Is tellwrite for Material-Plane. Date is Drathan-Folk can roamwander freely. Dominion-folk look at ...

02:19 am - 05.06.2022

Log of Vurak I

In effort to keep track of events during time in Material-Plane with Big-Folk, Vurak has decided to keep log. Vurak has been in Material-Plane for some time now. Sun shines, clouds rain, birds sing, flowers bloom. Weather is hot and humid, green everywher...

09:28 pm - 02.09.2021

Has been several years now. Vurak wonders whether is time already. ... Time, huh. Not yet. Vurak will judge and see.

07:34 pm - 24.04.2021

Big Art-Brother wanted to draw Vurak, so Vurak complied. Vurak thinks drawing is appropriate, but teeth are sharper. Big Art-Brother was tired after.

01:44 am - 22.07.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vurak.

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Other Characters by Xagrok