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Illidan Windsor

Level 20/6 Aasimar Neutral Good Cleric/Sorcerer
/ 247 HP

Spiritually connected to a personal god. Trying his absolute best to make the world a slightly better place and failing horribly.

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The major events and journals in Illidan's history, from the beginning to today.

If you can't wake up from the nightmare, maybe you're not asleep.

21st Xhanathir 648

She loses a tail and change color, not really that big of a deal tbh...

21st Xhanathir 648

I mean she could at least be a bit more thankful

21st Xhanathir 648

Kinda tired of resurrecting certain party members...

21st Xhanathir 648

my account got hacked lol, im back tho

21st Xhanathir 648

My patience has run out, the time for vengeance is nigh.

21st Xhanathir 648

Gender Swap

I was a woman briefly today, weird experience, but damn i was hot.

21st Xhanathir 648

Met the king of Evlora

Finally met the king. He was nice, but it kinda seemed like he really just wanted me and the gang to leave Evlora.

21st Xhanathir 648

Leaving Evlora

After like a lot of time me and the gang is finally leaving Evlora for more then a week. I mean we'll probably return in like a months time tho.

21st Xhanathir 648

NGL kinda want a dodo egg right now

21st Xhanathir 648

What is the hype behind tieflings anyway? They're rude and deceiving and are all the same #NotMyEmperor

08:53 am - 07.01.2020

Initiation test complete

Just finished the initiation test for wizard school and I was accepted! #blessed

08:45 am - 07.01.2020

Feelin kinda cute

08:40 am - 07.01.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Illidan.

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Other Characters by KennyPanda