Cullen Clydesdale | World Anvil

Cullen Clydesdale

Back ally doctor on the run from the mob, currently works for the spiritual projecting company Lazarus Redux.

View in World
The tunnel network under Columbia University, New York, U.S.A.
Played by

I came, I gamed, I never really got around to leaving...


The major events and journals in Cullen's history, from the beginning to today.

Cullen joins the ranks of Heroes!

Cullen enters the scene of legendary heroes! Welcome to the family of the Eternals!

12:42 pm - 12.05.2019

Crucible Reforged

After Melanie abruptly shattered the Crucible and fled leaving behind broken promises and grudges, the bond between the remaining members has been mended. This was made possible by the selfless actions of Candy Jones and the rescue/recovery of Tom Haze. Knowledge that the fall to Spectrehood might be reversible has give fresh hope and purpose to the members of the Crucible. This has the side effect of allowing the Vitality of soulfire to be able to flow between them again.

01:00 pm - 12.05.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Cullen.

Played by

I came, I gamed, I never really got around to leaving...

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