Jaz'ra Tardel | World Anvil

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Jaz'ra Tardel

A grumpy, old, former-mercenary from a quiet farming village. Has a bit of an "accent" and a bit of a temper as well, but deep down he has a heart of gold. Was sent to prison after being accused of murdering his wife and kids, a crime he didn't commit

Played by
Bryan Bunches
Other characters
Sun 11th Apr 2021 05:28

One Journey Ends, Another Begins

by Jaz'ra Tardel

My comrades and I recently explored the remains of what was once the Tree of Life, which now is a husk of what the stories used to tell. The insides were carved with the tales of this world and the other world's histories which intrigued me to no end. Though the history of the place was preserved, those damn cultists desecrated the tree's remains, making a mockery of the once towering symbol of life with their equipment lying everywhere and everything.
After reaching the tree's canopy, we came face-to-face with Schmeb the betrayer (not surprised really) and his new cult adversaries, who were holding my son captive. He looked scared to death, and Rhunn and I were ready to make the sacrifice, but that damn doctor ruined it all and killed my son. So reckless of him to make such a stupid move without even talking to us first! Not sure who's more stupid; that doctor for making that move, or Schmeb for believing the dreck those cultists were spouting...
I fought for my life out there. Rhunn and the Doctor came so close to death so many times, but luckily I had some magic items which I found some good uses against those cultists, bone dragons, and shadows. I took them all down in a blaze of glory thanks to my guardian spirits, and gave Schmeb what was coming to him after I bashed his face in with my maul.
When the battlefield cleared, I took the sapling from the fallen Schmeb and felt an amazing power course throughout my body. It's as if a god themselves lent me a slice of their power, and I was able to revive my son! I must do more research on this precious plant, as, much like that dagger, it seems to hold mystical powers beyond our comprehension.
That's why I'm currently on a boat back to Sorviodunum, leaving the adventure behind. I'm too old for this cult-hunting stuff, but I can still help out by researching into this peculiar plant and find out how and why it works. I may even be able to bring back my family through the experimentation process!
Final thoughts:
I kind of feel sorry for Schmeb. He had good intentions, but was influenced by the wrong people. If he hadn't killed my son, I would have spared that pathetic old guy, but I let my anger get the best of me.
I hope Rhunn can handle herself, err, itself out there. They seem like they are capable enough to handle those idiot cultists with the right help. When I'm not doing research I'll be sure to help them out as they would me, and I'm planning on bringing back their brother when I get the chance. After all, if you're bold enough to risk your life to save my son, that's the least I could do.
My once small family has grown much bigger, now closer with Boris, my stepfather, Kipp, Rhunn's family, and the many allies I have met through my journeys. I hope it grows even further as I grow older and more curmudgeoned, and I wish the best for Rhunn and her adversaries out there. I'm sure they will do great.
~Jaz'ra Tardel

Jaz'ra's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Seabound to Ohes
    16th Day of the Voyage to Ohes
  2. Here lies Captain "What's His Face"
    25 Feb 2021 05:15:41
  3. One Journey Ends, Another Begins
    11 Apr 2021 05:28:37

The major events and journals in Jaz'ra's history, from the beginning to today.

Won the Smashball game

After much effort and spell trickery, Jaz'ra helped his Smashball team secure a 3-1 victory for the Walenstal Miners. He received nearly 500G in returns for his investments into the sport, making this a fat dubski

09:54 pm - 13.12.2020

A penalty that matches the crime

Sent my arch-enemy Zarkara to prison. Hopefully he is sentenced for life for all the pain and suffering he has caused me, but I have a feeling it may not be that easy.

10:00 pm - 18.01.2021

Seabound to Ohes

Maybe practicing my writing might help pass the time... I've been on this boat for 16 days now, and still no land in sight. The captain says that we should be arriving at Ohes in 5 days, and I just hope he's right. I'm definitely not a man of the sea. ...

03:37 am - 15.02.2021

Here lies Captain "What's His Face"

Hear ye, hear ye. We are gathered to remember this Sladovian Captain. I knew him not even for a day before he met his end, and I wish I could change that. He probably hated me because I'm a Bugbear, and he was Sladovian, and I wish I could change tha...

05:15 am - 25.02.2021

Got Knocked Unconscious for the First Time

Battling some buffed up Shadows as a physical-attacker is not the brightest idea, so I kind of got what was coming to me. Let's see if we can stay conscious for 12 sessions in a row next time!

12:47 am - 11.03.2021

One Journey Ends, Another Begins

My comrades and I recently explored the remains of what was once the Tree of Life, which now is a husk of what the stories used to tell. The insides were carved with the tales of this world and the other world's histories which intrigued me to no end. T...

05:28 pm - 11.04.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Jaz'ra.

Played by
Bryan Bunches

Other Characters by Bryan Bunches