Here lies Captain "What's His Face" by Jaz'ra | World Anvil

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Thu 25th Feb 2021 05:15

Here lies Captain "What's His Face"

by Jaz'ra Tardel

Hear ye, hear ye. We are gathered to remember this Sladovian Captain.
I knew him not even for a day before he met his end, and I wish I could change that.
He probably hated me because I'm a Bugbear, and he was Sladovian, and I wish I could change that.
Due to the onslaught of those spider "things", he was stolen straight from the front lines. If only I'd have aimed a bit better... I wish I could change that.
If only I had asked who his tailor was, then I could look anywhere as cool as he did! And I wish I could change that!
But instead of worrying about all the "could've's", we take this moment to remember the brave Captain;
Who sacrificed his own life so that the remainder of his men may live,
Who was a revered and respected leader to all those in his ranks,
Who, despite our party's disposition, was kind enough to allow us to work alongside his men,
Who I wish wasn't so easily captured, as well as such a bad shot! Er...
Well, I digress.
As we look at the view from the hill under which he is buried, we look upon his past, and we look forward towards our futures thanks to his great sacrifice.
Captain, if you can see us from the great beyond, I can assure you that that sacrifice will not be in vain.

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  1. Seabound to Ohes
    16th Day of the Voyage to Ohes
  2. Here lies Captain "What's His Face"
  3. One Journey Ends, Another Begins