Seabound to Ohes by Jaz'ra | World Anvil

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16th Day of the Voyage to Ohes

Seabound to Ohes

by Jaz'ra Tardel

Maybe practicing my writing might help pass the time... I've been on this boat for 16 days now, and still no land in sight. The captain says that we should be arriving at Ohes in 5 days, and I just hope he's right. I'm definitely not a man of the sea.
We're headed to Ohes to intercept the cult, as I've been tipped off by a certain strange Gnome that they're trying to take the Seed Relic for themselves. Who knows what they can do with that thing, so it's best to not even let them have the chance to use its powers...
In the meantime, I've been reading a book about Guerilla tactics, which is teaching me some new tactics that might be too dangerous for an old man like myself to fail. If I'm reading this thing right, I could hide in plain sight or even climb a tree as fast as I can walk, even as the 7-foot-tall giant I am. I'll just have to try these new survival tactics out in Ohes, as they could really prove useful in that continent of wilderness.
I've also learned during this hell of a boat-ride that Rhunn and I really make a great scamming team. I recently learned some magic which can make objects look valuable, which I have been using along with Rhunn's smooth-talking to make a fortune. Maybe soon, I could even pay off my debt in Aerohollow!
I also may have snuck on this vessel to save myself some coin, and I found some strange magical rocks. Maybe they'll be of good use over in Ohes? Eh, who knows.
I'm bored of writing now. I'm gonna see if this place has something I can drink. Been a while since I've sat down and had a good drink with some good people.

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  1. Seabound to Ohes
    16th Day of the Voyage to Ohes
  2. Here lies Captain "What's His Face"
  3. One Journey Ends, Another Begins