Session 24: Choices and Regrets Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 24: Choices and Regrets Report

General Summary


Choice. Regret. Choice is such an intangible, fleeting, ephemeral thing. Rarely can we see choices, even while making them. Our own choices, choices of others, each slips by invisibly. Regret? Regret is entirely too tangible. Regret is the physical weight in the depths of your gut threatening to rip you in half. While Choice is fleeting, where it visits for but a moment, Regret lingers. Regret builds. Regret resides. But at its worst, Regret is all too visible. When soot-stained miners, rosy-cheeked youngers, or clean-cut administrators pass by the small amphitheater under the artificially brightened dome sky and glance at the redheaded girl sobbing into the shoulder of the rigid Versian man, they can’t see her choices. They can’t see the decisions made by her or others. They can only see her regrets. That sickening, tangible regret pouring over the metallic benches.   Regret lingers. Regret is far too visible.   But rarely…occasionally…choices reveal themselves before transforming into regret. A Choice waves their banner, a choice flashes neon signs. That neon sign of choice currently blazes brightly over the table surrounded by 3 women looking at a man wearing a trench coat over bulky combat armor at the small dining area a block away. A decision must be made. A decision begging to turn into Regret…and linger.   Grace Drake: “So…that’s absolutely terrifying. I’m guessing you spotted the Utopia boosted systems for those fighters and even those crazy ducking gravity cannons. This video is genuinely insane Dash. What…what can any of us do again that? What are YOU going to do?”
As she asks, this question triggers something in Dash. A flash of memory is brought forward and laid raw before him.

Flash to the Past



“Dash, what are you going to do?”
A young Dash Reynard sits on the edge of the bunk. His eyes are brighter and lack the emotionless stare of a killer, the lines on his face and scars on his hands and bodies still far away, and only the mud on his boots and uniform legs shows the start of the carefree attire. Across from him, a bright eyed blonde kid with a skin deformity looking like white, bleached patch on his cheek and chin sits forward trying to get Dash’s attention.   Gary Larson “Dash, focus up man. I said Sergeant Morris saw you hold fire on that dreg camp and reported you. I overheard him talking to Lieutenant Marston about it. He said he doesn’t need a soldier in his ranks that would refuse to pull the trigger when told to, much less on dregs stealing from society and keeping Krasia down. He said that’s why he doesn’t want spacers in his ranks. The Lieutenant seemed to be listening to him, man! What happened? Why’d you hesitate? It’s making all us spacers look bad, you know how hard it is for us here compared to the dirt-born.”


Dash and Gary debate for a few minutes while Dash insists that he refuses to kill someone that he isn't sure if they even did anything wrong to begin with. The "dregs" were 15-19 years old who were only guilty of being accused of stealing from a Citizen. Gary insists that Dash is making all Spacers look bad, tries to remind him of his original goal to become a Krasian Citizen, and not to "ruin it" for the rest of him if he's throwing his own life away. Seeing that Dash is not going to be convinced, Gary storms off. Dash sees that his locker is open slightly and examines it. Inside, he finds a massive handgun leaning beside the safe at the bottom of his locker. He pinches his hand as he picks it up and realizes that it's handle has partially slid open. He slides it the rest of the way open and finds his first Mark of Fate with the name "Lieutenant John Marston".



Choices made by others. Choices made for us. Not our choice, not our fault…but the regret becomes no less ours in the end.   The small, wooden house bears no trappings of wealth. There is not a wide variety of food, but there is enough. Brier, no more than 6-7, sits playing in the living room floor with a datapad. Her fingertips rest on a faded etching on the back case: “To my beloved Bralus ”. Briar doesn’t have to read the words to know them…mom has read them to her enough.
The sound of the front door opening draws enough attention for a quick glance. Uncle Kwao smiles and waves as he finishes pushing his foot into his left shoe and steps into the darkness outside. Beside the door, 3 pairs of shoes remain. Briars, Resmeralla's slightly larger pair, and a far larger pair that has grown incredibly dusty. Briar remembers her mom trying to put them away, but it looked far too odd to you. Far too…empty. It made you cry for some reason you don’t want to think about, so there they went back and there they remain.   “Brier, dear, I’ve missed you. Uncle Kwao said dinner is on the stove. Come eat.”


Brier and Resmeralla get food and sit around the dinner table. Resmeralla says “I am sorry I haven’t been around much lately. I hope you understand the importance of me hunting down the type of people who killed your father. It is my duty to eliminate those honorless scum who want to disrupt our way of life and muddle it with outsiders. I have to be gone so often so other little girls can still have both their father and mothers waiting for them at home. You understand the importance of this duty, right?” She tries to impress the importance of her duty. Meanwhile, Brier just tries to get her to promise that she will come home. Her mother won't promise (as a promise should never be given lightly) but can promise to always do her best to. This seems to upset Brier, but their conversation is interrupted by a call on her mom's coms unit.   ”Resmeralla Bellock. Yes. I see. Oh. Yes sir. Tomorrow morning. Understandable. Of course. I am honored to accept. May the Law bind you.” She leans forward, puts her head in her hands, and breaths out deeply (anxious). She turns to Brier and gives her a forced smile. “I have been…promoted, Brier. We will have to move to Versia Major very soon. A lot of things are about to change for us. We are going to bring honor to our house…we’re going to make your dad proud.”

Tumerian Li Shen


“You haven’t heard? The law is dead! Versia is in chaos!” I guess the old childhood axiom is wrong. “The law can never die”. Apparently it can. Memories flood in…do you celebrate the death of someone who you worshipped? Do you mourn the death of someone who kept you from your dreams?   "Tumerian, enough. I've heard enough. You are talking utter nonsense. Just sit down and have some more So Ju. Based on Suen's chewing, I'll assume the cabbage and rice is done. We'll eat and you and Suen will go back home to your family where you belong, right. Chasing after writs that claimed 6 Gavels already, almost dishonored a 7th...the Law provide sanity for this one." Josen motions his hand over his console and the holographic screen with an image of a star map he claims shows the triangulated position of the last Gavel team sent after the Missing Trade Writ vanishes. He motions you over towards the table with a handful of bowls sitting in the middle of the room behind him where Suen apparently decided not to wait. You can't help but notice the overindulgence making his naturally puffy cheeks puff out even more and realize the stark differences between his body type as the son of merchants vs Josen's lean, pale visage.


Josen tries desperately to get Tumerian to see the good that he has in his life in Versia. Tumerian expresses that he absolutely must restore the honor of his family and will not be happy until he can do so. Josen brings up the risk that Tumerian may never enter the Bound Borders again if he fails as entry would be dependant on the Law that repeatedly has shown contempt for him and his family. After a long debate, Josen begrudgingly gives Tumerian the small, black chip with the details of the last Gavel team's location before telling Tumerian he'd be happy to see him when he returns but he can't risk having Tumerian contact him while outside of the Bound Borders.

Savannah Cruise


"Savannah, what is hell is this? Is this what you've been screwin around with instead of meeting my damn deadline to get me my dang bonus?"
Dr Samara Nolke holds up a large, metallic device that looks kind of like a head-sized cage covered in various circuit boards, needles, nozzles, and cords. She is a tall, thin blonde woman with features that are obviously professionally altered to anyone with your level of expertise. You also know that for the last 3 years she's been your boss, she is a raving bitch who constantly makes impossible deadlines and often demands results before the date she even gave you, expects you to work most weekends, and treats her top designer, you, like an intern. She has made every day of your life a living hell for the last 3 years and she is now holding the one thing that has given you any peace of mind in that time, the one project that you've actually been happy about designing amongst the various injection kits, home remedy kits, and surgical aftercare devices. You've spent years designing this, something actually unique in the myriad of slight tweaks and next versions, and she is holding it out and shaking it towards you like it's a toy. "What the hell is this thing anyways, Savannah?"


Savannah tries repeatedly to convince Dr. Nolke that the device is a pet project and not made using company resources. She tries to convince her it is a toy, then a hairdryer. Samara remains unconvinced, even to the point of threatening her and saying "See this? This is all that makes you worth a damn and I'm the only reason you get to KEEP it. Play ball or you can go back to the gutter slum that you were dragged out of!" while holding onto the ID attached to Savannah's shirt. Savannah flicks her off, tells her to shove the job, grabs a biometrically locked case, and storms out. 

Game Start

Dash, Alicia, Chiara, and Grace sit around a table at the small bar talking. Grace gets a few bottles from the bartender to deal with the news while Alicia gets a pitcher of mojitos. Kyra joins them soon after.   While talking about their plans, Grace directs them to News Broadcast 8:4:2352 - Versian Update to reveal the latest happenings with Versia and the ATS. After watching the broadcast, they relax and drink for some time until Rose and Li join them. Dash decides that another ship meeting is needed and he schedules it for 3 hours out on the Intrepid Explorer.   Meanwhile, Li and Rose were in the amphitheater after her emotional response. She pulls herself together and they briefly talk about what Li realized about her, Li reveals that he thinks that Dash realized it too, and he offers her support and safety amongst the crew for now. While they are talking, they are approached by Juda Longarc who seems incredibly concerned for her. She tries to make Rose feel better, gives her a 2" tall potted tree, and they bond over having lost their mothers. Juda bounds off soon after and Rose and Li rejoin the group at the bar.

Ship's Meeting

The Crew takes some time at the meeting to discuss what their next steps are. Rose and Kyra express their desire to go to Grand Marispa sooner than later, both (ironically) for their Uncles. Li and Dash want to restock at the nearby Nibian 3 and look for Carnin Walls while there. Dash also expresses his curiosity to go into the Depths and hunt down Fate. Alicia just wants to be able to do some shopping, so agrees with the trade-hub on Nibian 3. Chiara poses the option to go to Sihnon instead, saying it would be a perfect opportunity for her to hunt down the doctor that did this to her while the Krasian ships are attacking the galaxy.   After discussing their next steps, the crew digs into the recent revelations. They confront Guru Kevin yet again, pressing him for further details on the Hosts. Dash reveals his hope that Kevin can lure Sprauge so they can interrogate another hope, but Kevin opposes that idea hard. It is revealed to all of them that some Hosts view Humans as cattle, there were physical beings that once served the Empire of the Hosts, and Kevin's people may be ancient. They realize that if "Fate" wasn't known by Kevin's people, it may be something that came between the empire of the Hosts and Humanity. The truth of the Seed of Ydrissil is revealed to everyone, as is the revelation of the Protectors. Kevin explains that the other Hosts are waiting for the Protectors (after him just saying his people are "waiting" was poorly received as a threat).   They split up and go say their farewells to Nibian 6 Outpost. Chiara and Dash say farewell to Grace while Kyra (looking like May West still) and Rose to collect another soil sample and inadvertently say goodbye to Juda Longarc. Juda gets the sample for Kyra, who claims not to be Kyra in that moment, but promises to pass on that information and sample to Kyra.

Back into the Black

The crew takes off towards Nibian 6. As they travel, Kyra decides to go look in the stars while sitting in the Turret. Alicia notices on her sensors that the ship is being scanned by another ship, broadcasting itself as a trader, as they approach Nibian 3. She opts to boost their signal and reveal their ID code as the Intrepid Explorer to set the ship's mind at ease.   Unfortunately, her gesture of good faith is soon rewarded by the approaching ship breaking off and only revealing itself as a Krasian Patrol Ship as it gets into visual range. It deploys 3 fighters as they turn and bolt away from the ship and Nibian 3. There is a very brief chase as Kyra fires at one of the ships, Rose and Alicia run and boost the engines and systems respectively, Dash sprints for the cockpit, and Li hits the "engine boost" just installed by Anna. Rose realizes that the engines start sparking from their partial repair as they fly, but they hold for now.   They end up shaking and easily losing the patrol ship and 2 of the fighters, but the final fighter manages to strike them with a round of the Utopia-laced rounds in their Engine just as they jump into Zip Space.

Strange Happenings

The ship plunges into Z-Space for only the briefest of moments, then they fall out of the bright tunnel of light into complete darkness. The ship's systems go completely dead as the ship plunges forward and immediately comes to a grinding halt on something solid beneath it. Everyone is thrown and jostled but mostly comes out okay except for Rose, whose hands while touching the engines are burned as it fries, sparks, and parts of it pop and sizzle before going dead. She's thrown back into the now darkness of the room as the ship crunches to a halt.   The crew is left in pitch darkness, separated save Dash and Li together in the cockpit, completely still on something solid.

Rewards Granted

[Minor Milestone]

Character(s) interacted with

Grace Drake 
Juda Longarc   


William Blake 
Chiara Mekiee

Created Content

They bought basic parts and basic supplies from Nibian 6 Outpost before leaving to restock the essentials

What Hides Behind the Void?

Brier Bellock

Tumerian Li Shen

Savannah Cruise

Report Date
27 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Nibian 6 Outpost

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