2021.04.10 - Returns Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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2021.04.10 - Returns

General Summary

Jörgund Brynjolf, Dorian Blackbreeze, Gazerax near the Huuuge Burned Tree outside of the Crater Balel

After resting, investigating the box and vials, the Group group left the burnt tree, finding a Hungry Boulder across the river. Jörgund tried to talk to it... no response. Instead he was called by Meril to help Sarah Grenzel, if they are still near StarMantle - struck with a poison

Dorian cast water-walking and they headed up the river. At the rapids, Degnut gave Jörgund spider climbing. He attached a rope to rocks and helped the rest of the group up

They found Yukon again, this time he found some of the famed Peppermint Ore, but didn’t go into details. They convinced him to not stay in the caves - horrible monsters. He quickly left with his cart-bear

The group traveled through the cavern, spooking a rat creature from a hay nest, and into the Crater Balel - searching for the green tree ladies. They found the Spooders had re-strung the wispy lines between the trees, the boulder path was gone, and no ladies shown up to talk to them.

Getting to a complicated area of spider lines, they turned back saying lets just walk directly to the Huuuuge Tree. They tried that, and was soon hit by 20ft waves trying to knock them back.

Wiggling around the shore towards the entry ledges and around spider lines, a forest lady finally showed up. But she was confused - the group was familiar, but different (members had changed and now had animals).

Degnut jumped in a interpreter - they killed many Nazeer and chased off a witch. She knew nothing of a witch, maybe Ze Nistrim would. She led them across the river and to the Huuuuge Tree. Soon Ze Nistrim popped out of the tree.
She was impressed they killed at least 30 of the Nazeer, and told a tale of one of their own, that was long ago corrupted - Hel-Dey-Ayr.

But at approaching near them, found Jörgund to “Stink of the Nazeer” - continuously translated by Degnut (Duuu, du duu, duuuu…. duuuu)

They recalled their battles - Jörgund AND Gazerax had weapon combat with Nazeer and the Witch, no one succumbed to the Poison Explosions, most had been zapped by various Nazeer eyeball effects. “You drip with the stink of the Nazeer”, raising her nose in disgust At that, Jörgund pulled out the black-liquid soaked rags and vials

EEEAAAAAAA, she back up quickly, jumped into the tree. Barbed barriers shot up between the group and the Huuuuge Tree. Feeling a critical moment was upon them, Jörgund carefully put the rags & vials into the box.
Ohhhh my, this is something bad they muttered

A Green lady emerged, walked through the spikes, laid 3 stones at the group’s feet and shooed them urgently away

The traveled through the forest, avoiding the spooder lines, and reaching the clearing near the ledges. There, they witness a handful of Wammits, trying desperately to climb the north ledge - launching themselves, climbing others, digging into the rock Interesting... someone murmured

Dorian created handholds, and they ascended the south ledge. They found a large chest, sitting where the Wammit box was before. It had a large, bulbous plant-like clasp in the front - preventing it from opening

As Dorian investigated it, Jörgund, Gazerax , and Degnut checked the entry cave. Jörgund mused - there is something definitely different about it now (despite his poor vision). Degnut and Gazerax spotted a wooden barrel in the tunnel corner, with a sort of line running further up the tunnel on the floor Dorian Climbing over to the north ledge, Dorian disturbed the Wammits, with most of the them retreating to the woods but still watching and hungry.

On the Ledge, they found signs of a scuffle and a note on the ground where they left Rio Rocka (days ago).

Poison pickup location. Creepy chest at left ledge. Leave the right tunnel alone
1 - Bath for GG - VS
2 - Fizzie for VG - RR
3 - After prayer SG - VS
Payments will be after each outing
  • J
  • Dorian packed the ledge and determined - someone else came down the tunnel, must’ve talked with Rio , then left. Rio tried to follow (rolling and wiggling in his bonds), but activated the tripline with his face and was buried by crashing rocks.

    Dorian excavated the rocks, found Rio's body, and asked if he’s still alive. Degnut jumped in and determined that his back is thoroughly pancaked into his front and is ratherdead.

    The group lamented (in joy / surprise / irony) for a time. Eventually getting a hold of themselves, and Dorian went back to the new chest on the south ledge. Not wasting any time, he blasted the puss-clasp, which exploded yellowish poison all-around. Dorian resisted the blast, and opened the chest. He found:
    _ The box filled with silver arrows, and a illegible note on top

    Jörgund climbed over, bit his tongue so hard it pissed him off, scooped up the Chest in one sweep and hustled back to the north ledge.

    Dorian finished the tunnel excavation, as the others peered inside the chest. Degnut read the note in the chest (druidic): Outsiders have found the passage. Will secure it and return with more.

    They pondered both notes, who wrote them, and what might the Ze Nistrim know. They almost sent messages back to Ze Nistrim, but decided they can’t speak well and aren’t helpful. Likely they can’t read well either.

    So, they continued through the tunnel, Gazerax helping Jörgund carry the chest. Dorian's unseen servant drug Rio’s body after the group. On the way out, Dorian spotted another trip line. Jörgund triggered it, getting blasted with a storm of poison darts Rio's body also ran right over it, but it has not reset

    Out in the forest, they found it to be daytime in the Gulthmere Forest and a walking path now led out from the tunnel. Following it, they connected to the main N/S trail leading into StarMantle They were relieved and walked without concern towards the City. A Loud blaring alarm shock them from their daydreams of grandeur and they found themselves blocked by piles of wood & metal scrap walls.

    As they mused about going around it, a Voice boomed at them from multiple locations along the wall:

    Stop - you hoods in the woods. You cannot go around
    Pay the toll, lay the gold
    Then fast you can pass the gates of Agghhi
    1 gold for each head, that is all

    Sick of bandits, Dorian approached, shouting back - Take down this wall Mr Gorbichaw, we will not pay any gold for such an obvious illegal operation

    As Dorian threw firebolts, Agghhi of the Barricade sent back gas canisters, causing Jörgund and Gazerax to go into a coughing fit.

    Jörgund charged the gate, bashing through, and setting of a fire wall. He found himself between barricades and not seeing the source of all this - only pulleys, ropes, pipes, and gears.

    Dorian threw more fire, destroying 2 walls, and wading into the blast zone yelling at the guy to surrender or be killed. Gazerax and Degnut (the transformed Giant Goat) waded into the middle zone.

    Seeing he was vastly outnumbered, Agghhi opened a hatch to discuss what they really wanted. The group proposed he join them, using his skills to build things. Agghhi was only interested in payment (Gold specifically). he was not swayed utill they started talking about supporting him to get contacts, construction warehouse, and Potentially Unlimited Gold.

    Then, he was skeptical but dug out a thick contract and a backpack of gear.

    Rewards Granted

    900 xp each
    Update to the tree people & Ze Nistrim, quest turn in - received 3 Magic Rocks
    Discovering the notes on the ledges and the fate of the forgotten Rio Rocka
    Unlocking and Acquiring a chest of silver arrows
    Avoiding (and setting off) some traps in the exit tunnel back to the Gulthmere Forest
    Combat and recruitment (with the promise & contract for Unlimited gold) of Agghhi the goblin

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Nasty Nazeer - Completed Step 3
    What's this Junk? - Found a Poison Hit List

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    Boom Boom Pow

    Ledwen Blackbreeze

    NG Human (Variant) (Noble)
    Sorcerer 5
    42 / 42 HP
    Report Date
    11 Apr 2021
    Primary Location
    Crater Balel
    Secondary Location
    Gulthmere Forest

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