Gazerax | World Anvil

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Gazerax is on a sacred quest and has traveled far from his homelands. His clan sent Gazerax on a journey to find the home of an ancient dragon. This is a great honor for Gazerax and his clan. Honor is everything. Failure is not an option.

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25th day of Elient

Too many questions

by Gazerax

The Temple of Pelor, barricaded in the library
"Black Cloaks"
Before we left the Crate, Glovof warned us about two guys wearing black cloaks asking about our whereabouts. Glovof didn't tell them anything. Dorian and Jörgund suspect they were friends of Rio's.
We entered the Temple District and made our way to the Grenzel's. There we met Meril, a sort of matriarch, who seemed to be interested in my people. She offered little information on the cause of the plague. It seems that Sara was struck ill sometime before chaos erupted in the district. Sara had been spending a lot of time with Thomas. Who is Thomas?
Meril did not want Rio's body and told us to take him to the temple.
When we arrived at the temple, it was in bad shape. Doors busted open and the reek of evil everywhere. We slew a dozen undead. I turned the undead with the power of Behemut and smote them with divine power. It was a rout.
We then found a few survivors hiding in the library. Dorian and Jörgund know a few of them. Benny and Ziep. They have a missing friend, Nibim, who when down into the cellar of the temple and never returned.
I have some apprehension, again, about the items that Dorian and Jörgund called treasure. Ziep was concerned about their stained past and someone named Voogy (the potential prisoner) thought it a good idea that we keep them. Nibim risked his life to destroy them.
I hope Nibim is alive, I would like to talk with him.
"Plague" per Ziep
Lay on Hands helped temporarily
Cleric's prayer necklace (any holy artifact?)
Water, of any sort, makes it worse
No purple tendrils or purple slivers in their mind
So many questions, too many
Perhaps we could fortify this temple and use it as a forward operating base?

Gazerax's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. New friends, new foes
    28 Mar 2021 04:18:46
  2. Return to StarMantle
    24th day of Elient
  3. Too many questions
    25th day of Elient

The major events and journals in Gazerax's history, from the beginning to today.

2021.05.08 - Temple Cleaning

02:40 am - 13.05.2021

2021.05.08 - Temple Cleaning

02:40 am - 13.05.2021

Too many questions

The Temple of Pelor, barricaded in the library "Black Cloaks" Before we left the Crate, Glovof warned us about two guys wearing black cloaks asking about our whereabouts. Glovof didn't tell them anything. Dorian and Jörgund suspect they were friends ...

02:29 am - 10.05.2021

Return to StarMantle

The Trusty Crate Inn, StarMantle We are back in StarMantle after a stop with the ladies that live in the tree. About that... they were appreciative of our work but were also terrified of the black ooze that Jörgund brought back with him. Now we find t...

01:30 pm - 25.04.2021

It is now the last tenday of Eleint

02:03 am - 21.04.2021

This group trends a dangerous path. Transporting foul and evil liquids. Leaving prisoners to die. Hiring incompetent goblin bullies. I must be careful and remain the master of my own path.

01:26 pm - 11.04.2021

New friends, new foes

A hasty camp near the tree and location of the portal... we are resting after combat with an evildoer. We went back into the cave and down past the waterfall to the nest. We met some Miners. They seemed to be unaware of the danger that they stumbled in...

04:18 pm - 28.03.2021

The Eyes with Eyes aren't smart. They are cowards. And this cowardly combat is starting to make me mad.

01:24 pm - 21.03.2021

The Eyes with Eyes are smart little buggers. They stayed away from my maul and waited for us to reveal ourselves. We killed a few more large ones and many of their spawn. I want to stay and keep our promise, but we are all getting tired and need rest. Should we rest here? It doesn't feel safe. I still feel evil...

05:00 am - 14.03.2021

Gazerax regrets not jumping across the stream.

01:25 pm - 21.02.2021

2021.02.06 - Through the Balel

05:39 pm - 07.02.2021

2021.02.06 - Through the Balel

05:38 pm - 07.02.2021

The odd floating eye with eyes floated out of the cave. I breathed fire on it and watched its skin sizzle. Then I got sleepy. So sleepy. The next thing I know, Dorian is waking me up and the floating eye is gone. Into the cave, yes, why not. Let's kill more of these ugly things."

03:37 pm - 07.02.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Gazerax.

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Other Characters by jlangston723