What's this Junk? Plot in Faerun-ers | World Anvil
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What's this Junk?

Clearly, there's been a mistaken identity. During the Festival of Stars and just after The Shart Darts competition of the day, a package was given to Zosime Longblade with these instructions:

"J has been paid in full. You have a Go"
Deliver this to the docks at midnight for the next stage, as agreed. You'll be paid tomorrow, if the guards stay in the dark.

In the package was a large vial of greenish liquid. The party deduced that its something very deadly, and sought out shady individuals to find more information.

Direction from Voogy Saga at the Midnight meeting: Place the Vial in the basement of the building at 3701 Temple Temple Street, in a box marked XX-Bath. See: 2020.07.25 - The Faire

The Party re-grouped at Cernan's apartment. After some research in his books, he discovered the Poison is the Bleak Bilge. See 2020.08.08 - The Poison Trail

The next morning, cernan was gone and the room still a disaster. Zosime Longblade found a note on the floor:
"V, enough with the acting charade, just deliver the Poison already. - J"
See: 2020.09.19 - Next Steps Report

No poison was found at the Grenzel estate

A few days later at the Star Faire, the group foiled another poison attempt at Valarie Grenzel. See: 2020.12.05 - Fair Poison
Plot type
Side Quest

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