Coralis Maraud: Chronicles of the Broken Coast Homepage | World Anvil | World Anvil

Coralis Maraud: Chronicles of the Broken Coast

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Ares
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  • The Broken Coast: Isles of Aquarim
Supporting Cast
  • Captain Meridora Thornby
    Captain Meridora Thorne is a striking figure with a commanding presence. She aquired the command of her ship the Stormrider at a young age and has been a fiece leader of the vessel since.
  • Captain Tavian Stormrider
    Captain Tavian Stormrider plays a central role in the campaign as the leader of the Harbor Guard.
  • Countess Camille
    A prominent figure in the city's elite circles, exudes an aura of sophistication and refinement. Renowned for her charitable endeavors.
  • Isolde Thornbrook
    Isolde Thornbrook is an enchanting human figure with long auburn hair. Compasionate advisor to Lorn (leader of the sylvan guardians).
  • Lorenzo Malvora
    Trader, antiques, collector. The adventures saves his life from angry sailors in granduva harbour. He possessed the map to the Veridian Heart, which, when stolen, leads to the party's false accusation and their quest to clear their names.
  • Lorn
    Fauna Whisperwind leader of the Sylvan Guardians is a faun of unparalleled beauty with leaves cascading down her form like a living cloak. Branch-like horns adorned with vibrant growth crown her head, and as she moves, the air seems to resonate with the subtle whispers that only plants and animals comprehend.
  • Master Thorne
    A prominent art collector and dealer, Master Thorne had a penchant for the exquisite courtesans at the brothel. Sometimes even commissioned art pieces of his favorite courtesans.
  • Seraphina Larkspur
    Seraphina is a elven woman of striking elegance with an ethereal aura. Elder adviser to Lorn (leader of the sylvan guardians)
  • The Shade
    The thief who steal the map to the Veridian Heart from Lorenzo Malvora's antique shop. His actions lead to the party's false accusation and set them on the path to uncovering the conspiracy.

Sessions Archive

28th Mar 2024

Session III: Who stole the map!? and why!?

The players were accused of a crime, but convinced their victims of their innocence. Now the question is who stole the map?!

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18th Oct 2023

Session II: Framed for a map heist

After a hectic encounter in Lorenzo's emporium. The players are now wanted my the Harbor guard and has a unconsious Lorenzo with them. How will the players get out of this!?!

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1st Oct 2023

Festivities brings on traders

The annual Flood Festival is about to commence, bringing together visitors from distant lands and celebrating the islands' prosperity. However, beneath the surface of revelry lies a sinister plot.

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In the bustling port city of Granduva Harbor, where exotic goods from distant lands find their way to eager merchants, the tides of fate have swept your characters into an intricate web of mystery and intrigue. As the vibrant city prepares for the annual Flood Festival, the world around you shimmers with excitement and anticipation. Ships from across the known realms dock in the harbor, laden with treasures and stories, but beneath the festivities lies a sinister plot that will challenge your intellect and test your bonds.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Iggie Pyx

Hira Lou

Bika Duskwhisper

Yui the Mage

Otto De Bob

8 / 8 HP