Session I: Festivities brings on traders Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session I: Festivities brings on traders Report

General Summary

Yui the mage, awaken in her cabin aboard the Stormrider, a ship en route to Granduva Harbor. A unique revelation occurred as her loyal companion, Otto de Bob, sensed another fragment of himself somewhere below deck on the same ship. They embarked on a quest to find this missing piece of Otto, descending to the lower decks and encountering a massive individual named Iggy Pyx stuck in a crate. As they approach the crate, suddently the two Ottos, unleashing a burst of energy that shatter the crate. This anomaly merged their forms into one, leaving them to acclimate to their new, combined existence while continuing the voyage.   The days that followed found the Stormrider beset by fierce, tempestuous weather, causing Yui to fall ill due to seasickness. Meanwhile, in Granduva Harbor, Hira lay sleeping in the Sylvan Park. Her Otto de Bob sensed the presence of another Otto de Bob not far from their location. Otto roused Hira from her slumber, urging her to accompany him to Madam Roselyn's Exquisite Emporium, where they believed this other Otto resided. On their way, Hira detected signs of druidic communication, while Otto uncovered a concealed latch in an alley.   At the Exquisite Emporium, Bika Duskwhisper manage the lobby alongside her Otto de Bob. Master Thorne, a mysterious figure, entered the establishment to request the company of a girl named Olivia for a gallery event. Shortly after, Hira and her Otto arrived, and the two Ottos merged into one. Following a discussion, Bika assigned Hira a task to make amends for tracking dirt into the establishment. Later, the group departed to the harbor to collect a new arrival at the brothel, a girl named Crystal whos aboard the Stormrider.   As the Stormrider approached the harbor, Iggy and his Otto de Bob managed to secure food and discretely moved about the ship while the sailors busily prepared to dock. Upon disembarking, they immediately encountered Hira, Bika, and the other Otto de Bob. The two Otto de Bobs converged, reuniting them into one entity, now again marking Otto de Bob as the one and only. The newfound group began acquainting themselves just in time to witness a commotion involving a group of sailors accosting a man named Lorenzo.   With strategizing underway, an accidental firebolt from Iggy turned the situation volatile. Together, the group successfully intervened, repelling the sailors and rescuing Lorenzo from the chaos. As a token of his appreciation, Lorenzo extended an invitation to his antique emporium to reward them.   Their journey continued as they returned Crystal to Madam Roselyn's Exquisite Emporium and enjoyed a meal. Subsequently, they arrived at Lorenzo's antique emporium to collect their rewards, encountering an array of fascinating objects, including a captivating map. Lorenzo explained that the map led to the Veridian Heart, a valuable artifact he'd been commissioned to find for a client. Lorenzo graciously provided them with an Alchemy Jug and a Sylvan Guardian amulet, with a promise of a magical Shade amulet for Bika, hidden in the cellar. As Lorenzo descended into the cellar, a thief suddenly appeared, snatched the map, and disappeared invisibly, taunting them before fleeing.   Panic and confusion gripped the group, and Lorenzo raised an alarm, accusing them of theft. Fearing the authorities, they attempted to convince Lorenzo of the truth, but Bika incapacitated him while Hira concealed him within her bag. They managed to outwit the clerk and evade the shop, but soon discovered that their escape had left them disoriented.   Thinking quickly, Otto enlisted the aid of crows, who created a distraction for the approaching guards. Hira communicated with mice who guided them to a sewer entrance, through which they escaped. Despite their loss of direction within the underground passages, Otto ingeniously crafted a makeshift compass, which led them back to Madam Roselyn's Exquisite Emporium, where they found safety.

Coralis Maraud: Chronicles of the Broken Coast

Otto De Bob

8 / 8 HP
Report Date
16 Oct 2023

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