Session II: Framed for a map heist Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session II: Framed for a map heist Report

General Summary

Location: Granduva Harbor   In the shadowed embrace of an alley outside Madam Roselyn's Exquisite Emporium, the players find themselves at a crossroads, a perplexing dance between morality and opportunity. Bika, with calculated precision, ventures into the establishment, ensuring the lobby is unoccupied before ushering in the unconscious form of Lorenzo. Taking command of the counter, Bika orchestrates a clandestine meeting in the privacy of Madam Roselyn's luxurious chamber.   As the players deliberate the fate of Lorenzo, a man of dubious dealings, the debate's fervor rises. A dicussion of kill or tortue erupts. In an intentionally exclusive discussion, Otto, the ethereal guardian, remains aloof, knowing his principled objections.   An urgent call beckons Bika to the lobby, where a peculiar nobleman seeks entertainment. Leaving Otto to guard the room, the group contemplates a more diplomatic approach. Meanwhile, Iggie discovers enchanted items on the seemingly ordinary Lorenzo.   Bika engages the nobleman, discovering him to be a wealthy foreigner willing to pay handsomely for unique entertainment. Intrigued, Bika relays this to Madam Roselyn, who takes charge of the exclusive request. Seizing the moment, the players decide to alter Lorenzo's perception through Otto's dreamwalking abilities.   In Lorenzo's vivid dream, dark silhouettes assail him in his shop. Otto intervenes, casting himself as Lorenzo's protector, fending off the menacing shades and instilling a sense of security. Sent back to reality, Lorenzo, awakening with a foggy memory, believes the players' account of a break-in.   Madam Roselyn calls upon Bika for additional supplies, including two unique entertainers, Allegra and Chonga. The nobleman's room exudes a magical aura, hinting at a mysterious ambiance.   Escorting Lorenzo to his shop, the players notice trailing guards. Convincing Lorenzo to sprint to safety, they diffuse the confusion with his worried apprentices and arriving authorities. As lorenzo believes the account of the players, he inform him that the true culprit might be a renowned theif named the shade. Meanwhile, Bika's prayers, initially unanswered by Lolth, receive a peculiar response from the newly embraced god, Tymora.   Anticipating the allure of the upcoming flood festival, the players immerse themselves in the revelry. Iggie succumbs to the potent embrace of intoxication, while Bika, in a spirited display, showcases his newfound devotion to the deity Tymora. Otto forges a connection with a faun, a leader of the Sylvan guardians, earning a flute for future communication. Hira, a victim of accidental misadventures, retreats home early.   The festival reaches a crescendo as Iggie, fueled by wild impulses, leaps from a cliff into a grotto pool, dragging Otto along. Bika, dancing to the rhythm of divine guidance, ascends the cliff. The authorities intervene, detaining Otto and Iggie, demanding compensation for the spectacle.   With the sun's descent, the Totem Measurement ceremony commences, ushering in a foretelling of prosperity. Messages and offerings adorn poles, and Bika, in fervent prayer, witnesses a symbolic coin returning from the water, a divine sign of assurance.   As the players seek respite in the embrace of sleep, the night takes an unexpected turn. Bika, in the realm of dreams, encounters nightmarish visions—a subterranean labyrinth, driders, armies of spiders, and an entangled figure ensnared in a web. The night's unrest leaves Bika fatigued and haunted by a lingering headache.   As the night unfolds, the city's intricate threads weave a tapestry of dreams, schemes, and unexpected alliances, setting the stage for the players' continued exploration of Granduva Harbor.

Coralis Maraud: Chronicles of the Broken Coast

Otto De Bob

8 / 8 HP
Report Date
26 Nov 2023

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