Ares World of Ares - Major Timeline Timeline
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World of Ares - Major Timeline

A view of the major event in the world.

  • 1200000000 BA

    700000000 BA

    The war of creation

    The war of creation

  • 0 BA


    The Extrication event
    Era beginning/end

    In a flash of light, the last three humanoid cities of the world of Ago, suddently found them selves transported to the world of Ares.   OCCIDENTIS the western city   MERIDIONALI the southern city   ORIENTALIS the eastern city

  • 50 PA

    Age of Allicieus trek
    Era beginning/end

    After the peoples arrival to this world, it took several years for the people to realise their new life. These first years became the time of which people would open their hearts for possibility beyond hope, a time for the people of Ago to take on their new world.

  • 120 PA

    First age of man
    Cultural event

    The meaning of life for humanoids changed, as the world they now inhabited, was no longer a hellscape of limitless powers and monsters awaiting every chance to ensure their desolation. They realised that they were now in a realm of endless possibility "The First True Age of Man!".

  • 310 PA

    The Earthly age
    Era beginning/end

    Following the years of the cresent wars, humanoids had gained the attention of other greater powers, the ruptures in the realm gave access to many sections of the multiverse and greater entities seeking the opportunities of man. As per the gods desertion the humanoids ended up on their own leaving the fate of their land fully in their own hands.

  • 450 PA

    Common years
    Era beginning/end

    Following the greater powers desertion of the humanoid lands, dormant Titanic powers awoke to ravish the land, this global conflict threatened the very excistance of humanoids, forcing every nation to unite in the fight against extinction. During this age came about the birth of Common.

  • 510 PA

    Age of awakening
    Era beginning/end

    The forced globalization of the Common years meant that the drive for global control majorly increased. Science and knowledge got majorly distributed across countries, the start of understanding the world origins began. Settlements, harbours, trade and knowledge.

  • 650 PA

    The civil age
    Era beginning/end

    Discovery of new resources lead to a boom in technology development, additionally general knowledge and science have increased significantly improving city infrastructure and civilization.