The Broken Coast Organization in Ares | World Anvil
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The Broken Coast

The Broken Coast: Isles of Aquarim



  Nestled along the western coast of Bliv Frain lies the enigmatic region known as the Broken Coast. Comprising a collection of islands, each with its unique charm and challenges, this maritime wonderland has captured the imaginations of many who seek adventure and fortune. The Broken Coast is strategically positioned, making it a vital nexus for trade, commerce, and intrigue.  

Significance and Influence

  The Broken Coast holds a prominent place in the geopolitics of Bliv Frain. These islands are independent from the dominant powers of Bliv Frain, and their strategic location has allowed them to maintain their sovereignty. Trade ships traversing the Tide Corridor must navigate these waters, which grants the Broken Coast considerable influence in regional politics.   Internationally, the nations of the Broken Coast are viewed as enigmatic and alluring. Each island nation has its unique culture, history, and politics, making them captivating subjects for bards' tales and adventurers' aspirations. To outsiders, this region offers opportunities for wealth, exploration, and diplomacy.  

Nations of the Broken Coast

  The Broken Coast comprises three distinct island nations, each with its history, culture, and identity:  
  1. Coralin Federacy: The Bastion of Trade History: The Coralin Federacy's origins date back to its role as a refuge for pioneers from Libertién during the Common Wars. Over time, it transitioned from a hub of piracy to a legitimate trading powerhouse. Government: The federacy operates as a union of semi-autonomous islands, overseen by a council of representatives. Laws and justice are consistently enforced across all islands. Economy: Known for its abundant olive groves and unique herb farms, the Coralin Federacy has become a hub for agriculture and trade. The city of Granduva Harbor serves as a bustling trading hub.
  2. As Ilhas das Correntes: A Smuggler's Paradise History: The islands of As Ilhas das Correntes were first explored by Nezpais settlers who established themselves by forming alliances with the underwater Triton people. They developed a unique culture of their own. Government: As Ilhas das Correntes operate as an independent and neutral nation. Decision-making relies on direct democracy and community input, enforced by a guild faction known as the "Harmonykeepers." Economy: The unique climate and soil conditions of As Ilhas das Correntes make it an ideal location for cultivating herbs and greens. The city of Coral Caveside is a bustling port, attracting traders and smugglers alike.
  3. Isle d'Émérance: Guardians of the Sea History: Isle d'Émérance boasts a deep spiritual connection to the sea, with a strong reverence for oceanic deities and the Merfolk and Tritons that inhabit the depths. Government: The island maintains its autonomy while participating in regional politics. Leadership is decentralized, with respect for the federacy and As Ilhas das Correntes. Economy: Trident's Embrace, the largest city, serves as a vital port and trade hub, facilitating the exchange of goods between the surface and underwater realms.

Chapter 1: History

  Pre-humans and Settlement (Before 360 PA): The Broken Coast islands were uninhabited, teeming with wildlife and monsters. The islands remained untouched by humanoid presence.   Early Island Colony (360-430 PA): Settlers from the Nez region began to explore and colonize the island, focusing exploration and exploitation of new lands.   Alliance with the Tritons (380 PA): Islanders established alliances with the Triton guardians of the sea, leading to the coexistence of surface and underwater communities.   Cultivation of As Ilhas das Correntes (430-450 PA): Unique climate and soil conditions led to the establishment of herb farms, becoming valuable resources for trade.   Common years flood (450-510 PA) During the common years where the primodials rose to eradicate intelligent life on Ares, many inhabbitants of the broken coast fled or died. Only some settlments on Isle d'Émérance managed to survive through the help of their Triton allies.   Granduva the dead island (Before 510 PA): The island Granduva remained untouched by humanoid presence, teeming with wildlife and only visited occationally. Though the flood of the common years rised the island preparing it for the comming settlements.   The Rise of Pirates and Controlled Trade (510-650 PA) The Common Years created an atmosphere of conflict and instability across the world. The Broken Coast region became a refuge for people fleeing mainland conflicts and also a lucrative source of mercenaries and privateers. As the world began to try an build itself through global trade created from the global conflict, the broken coast took avantage and raided many ships in the region through piracy.   Settlement of Isla Granduva (514-640 PA): Settlers established themselves on Isla Granduva, marking the beginning of the Coralin Federation. Granduva became the economic and political center of the region. late end of this period saw the islands unifying and forming a cohesive community, controlling trade routes.   Settlement of Coral Caveside (520 PA): Smugglers and pirates seeking refuge in the caves established Coral Caveside as a bustling port and center of commerce.   Mercenary counter (576-690 PA) Some pirates-turned-privateers from the Broken Coast offered their services to protect merchant vessels and maintain trade routes during these tumultuous times, which included the Green War and other nearby large conflicts.   Legacy of Piracy and Transition to Legitimacy (Post-757 PA) By 757 PA, piracy had waned as the Melas Trade Line established order. The Coralin Federation transitioned to legitimate activities, including trade and herb cultivation, while maintaining their reputation as skilled sailors.  

Chapter 2: Politics


Regional Politics

  The Broken Coast operates as a loosely connected region, with each island nation maintaining its sovereignty. Decisions affecting the entire region are made collectively by representatives from each nation, with major decisions requiring a consensus. Each island has a say in regional matters, with the leader of the council serving as a presiding figurehead.  

Political Structures

  Coralin Federacy: The Coralin Federacy is a federation of semi-autonomous islands, overseen by a council of representatives. Laws and justice are unified across all islands. The federacy maintains strong alliances with Coinlién due to its control of trade routes.   As Ilhas das Correntes: As Ilhas das Correntes is an independent and neutral nation, operating under a decentralized system of governance. Direct democracy and community input guide decision-making, enforced by the Harmonykeepers. The nation has a strong affiliation with Nezpais.   Isle d'Émérance: Isle d'Émérance maintains its autonomy while participating in regional politics. Leadership is decentralized, with decisions aligned with the federacy and As Ilhas das Correntes. The island facilitates trade between the surface world and the underwater realms.  

Geopolitical Power

The Coralin Federacy holds the most significant influence in the region due to its size, abundant resources, and control over vital trade routes. As Ilhas das Correntes, while neutral, plays a crucial role in smuggling and trade. Isle d'Émérance wields influence through its unique relationships with underwater communities.  

Chapter 3: Geography


Island Structure

  Coralin Federacy: The largest island, Granduva, is mostly flat with some hills reaching up to 500 meters in height in the north. Smaller islands surround it, each with its own unique geography. The climate varies from humid subtropical in the north to a Mediterranean climate in the south.   As Ilhas das Correntes: The main island of As Ilhas das Correntes is shaped like a fish, with rolling hills, extensive cave systems, and a monsoon climate. A chain of smaller islands stretches along its coastline, featuring lush jungles and localized monsoon climates.   Isle d'Émérance: This island resembles a curved croissant, characterized by hills and underwater channels leading to deep bays. The underwater terrain is a complex network of caverns, caves, and coral reefs.  

Notable Natural Features

Coralin Federacy: The coastlines of Isla Granduva are adorned with pristine beaches and dramatic cliffs. Emerald Cove, located on a smaller island, is famous for its stunning coral reefs and underwater beauty.   As Ilhas das Correntes: The cave systems that permeate the islands of As Ilhas das Correntes are a marvel of nature, offering unique landscapes and shelter for both smugglers and treasure hunters.   Isle d'Émérance: The deep bay surrounding Trident's Embrace is known for its crystal-clear waters, providing refuge and shelter for both Merfolk and Triton communities. Coral formations within the bay are considered sacred sites.  

Chapter 4: Commerce and Trade


Economic Prowess

Coralin Federacy: Renowned for its olive groves, the Coralin Federacy produces some of the finest olive oil in the known world. These olives are carefully cultivated in terraced groves across Isla Granduva. Unique herbs and spices are harvested on smaller islands.   As Ilhas das Correntes: The unique climate of As Ilhas das Correntes allows for the cultivation of rare herbs and greens, making it a prime source for exotic spices. The islands are also a hub for smuggling and the black market, thanks to its secretive cave systems.   Isle d'Émérance: Trident's Embrace acts as a vital port, facilitating the exchange of goods between the surface world and underwater communities. The city thrives on the trade of pearls, coral, and other underwater treasures.  

Global Significance

  Melas Trade Line: Established in 688 PA, the Melas Trade Line pull in trade through the region, boosting commerce and attracting merchants from across Bliv Frain and further in Melas Maar. The Broken Coast's strategic position ensures it remains a hub for trade and diplomacy.   Economic Growth: Despite their limited natural resources, the nations of the Broken Coast have experienced consistent economic growth. This success is attributed to their unique goods, skilled labor force, and strategic trade routes.  

Chapter 5: Religion and Beliefs


Religious Diversity

  The Broken Coast embraces a wide array of religious beliefs, with an emphasis on oceanic and natural deities. Worshipers are free to revere any deity of their choice, reflecting the region's diversity. However, a deep-rooted spirituality ties all the island nations together.  

Rituals and Ceremonies

  Regular ceremonies honoring the spirits of the sea are central to the culture of the Broken Coast. These rituals often include offerings to deities associated with the ocean, as well as tales of sea adventures and mythical creatures. Festivals celebrating the changing of tides and the underwater world are particularly vibrant.  

Chapter 6: Culture and Celebrations


Cultural Values

  Resilience, community bonds, and innovation are cherished values across the Broken Coast. Islanders take pride in their ability to adapt to changing circumstances and form close-knit communities. The spirit of exploration and adventure is also deeply ingrained in their culture.  

Customs and Festivals

  The Festival of Rebirth, celebrated on the first day of spring, is a colorful and lively event where communities come together to dance, feast, and pay homage to the ocean's bounty. It marks the beginning of the planting season and is accompanied by storytelling and traditional songs.  

Art and Music

  The Broken Coast's artistic expressions are inspired by the Mediterranean, featuring vibrant colors, intricate mosaics, and sculptures celebrating their maritime heritage. Sea shanties and ballads are common forms of musical entertainment, often accompanied by traditional instruments like lutes and drums.  


  The region's cuisine is characterized by the use of olive oil, fresh seafood, and communal dining. Meals are often shared among families and friends, emphasizing the importance of community. Local dishes feature a blend of flavors from herbs and spices cultivated on the islands, creating a unique culinary experience.  

Chapter 7: Landmarks and Locations


Natural Beauty

  Coralin Federacy: Emerald Glade Retreat is a series of islands covered in dense, emerald-green forests, this island is a haven for wildlife. Rare and exotic birds with vibrant plumage fill the air with melodious songs.   As Ilhas das Correntes: The Coralcave Azure is a mesmerizing system of underground caverns adorned with bioluminescent flora and fauna. Daring adventurers and spelunkers venture here in search of hidden treasures.   Isle d'Émérance: The Luminous Gardens, hidden beneath the waters surrounding Isle d'Émérance, are home to rare and exotic aquatic flora. The gardens are considered sacred, and visiting them requires the permission of the Merfolk and Triton guardians.  

Important Cities

  Coralin Federacy: Granduva Harbor is the largest city in the Coralin Federacy, featuring bustling markets, grand architecture, and a thriving cultural scene. The city's renowned olive oil and herb markets attract merchants from afar.   As Ilhas das Correntes: Coral Caveside, nestled amidst cave formations, is a bustling port known for its black market and thriving smuggling trade. The city is also home to the enigmatic Harmonykeepers, responsible for maintaining order and secrecy.   Isle d'Émérance: Trident's Embrace is the largest city on Isle d'Émérance and the primary connection between the surface world and the underwater realms. It features intricate architecture that seamlessly blends with the natural beauty of the bay.
Flags of the three nations along the broken coast.
Coralin Federation Flag: "Maritime Broken Standard" As Ilhas das Correntes Flag: "The Crimson Tide" Isle d'Émérance Flag: "Trident's Embrace Pennant"
The Broken Coast: Isles of Aquarim
Geopolitical, Co-rulership
Controlled Territories


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