CC: Session 11: The Killing Floor Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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CC: Session 11: The Killing Floor Report

General Summary

Using the newly acquired key card from King Boom Boom, The Agitators traveled the river of The Regeneration Conservatory. Seeking two keys and at a break in the river, the party split. Axe and Boots sought out a voice that whispered of a threat to the fellow Scion, while the others pressed on toward C.H.A.P and the treasure he suggested.

While pressing onward, Vox and Mellow hatched the egg of a Pseudodragon and begin taught it how to eat fireflies. Finding the activity amusing, Vox named the creature Firefly. Carbide negotiated with Mouse and explored the best way to travel toward the treasure. After discovering large drakes guarding the way, Mellow summoned magic to warp the city and create a path. Firefly was immediately drawn to the magic. 

Axe and Boots met with Wish, a Scion "prince" who warned of a threat to all scions. He urged the two to help him remove the threat, but could only persuade them after offering up one of the missing keys. Heading down into the caverns below, they were quickly greeted by a fungal-infested owlbear. Despite Wish's desire to bypass it, Axe pressed that they deal with the threat. Together the three stood toe to toe and waged battle.

Upon reaching the pathway into the treasure hall, Firefly became infatuated with glowing magic in a stump. Upon biting at the lights, it burst to life and entered an aggressive stance. Vox jumped in to protect the baby dragon, and Carbide charged with a powerful blow from their katana that shattered its wooden shield. Charging magic stones for battle, Mellow was able to keep Firefly distracted while the threat was hopefully overcome. 

In typical Boots fashion, he charged with a direct assault to the slumbering monster. With a flurry of punches, he pushed it back. As Axe summoned magic to fight back, Boots took the majority of the damage. Atop him stood a massive boney, fungal-filled beat and it stomped until Boots passed out from the trauma. Wish's magic helped, but proved pitiful in comparison to that of Axe, who channeled healing tunes into Boots. Luckily they survived, and with every bit of strength he could muster, Boots tried at swing at Wish, but collapsed. Taking the moment, Axe stomped the owlbears eggs to make sure nothing like it spawned again.

With the help of Mouse, The Agitators defeated the guard and pressed on to find Grim. The dark figure was digging a grave, and despite being attacked, he refused to swing back. Grim dug up the corpse and at the first available moment, flew away with the body. Then Mellow saw Hollow in the next room. The friend had been turned into a fungal beast and needed to be laid to rest with mercy. 

Pressing on with Wish, Axe and Boots discovered they were deceived. Wish assaulted the two of them and caught to eliminate Boots. In a moment of fury, Boots shot Wish in the skull just in time to hear Tano coming. Moving fast he cast shadows and fled with the key card. 

Putting Hollow out of his suffering, The Agitators quickly began looting. As they heard the sound of someone coming, they took what they could and bolted. Mouse and C.H.A.P stayed for as long as they could. Their fate is unknown. 

Meeting back up The Agitators decided to rush for The Mangler while there was still time. With Spark agreeing to hold her off, they went into the belly of the best. Focused and determined, they let the monster dash around with its series of knives and claws. Summoning their collective first, they killed the monster, but a small bit of the parasite still lingered. Under the direction of Spark, Axe accepted the parasite and the risk that came with it. Spark quickly summoned a portal for them to escape, leaving just as Tano walked into the room. 

A Much Needed Break

With treasure in their pockets and wounds to tend, The Agitators took a much needed rest. While doing so Vox had Gene take the funds needed to restore the Stargazer and she began work on doing so.

Carbide followed up on a lead from Hook and together the two took on some mercenary work, along with a band of Tabaxi. The job had challenges, but they were able to scrape a few credits together from it. 

Rewards Granted

  • Gold
  • Potion of fire

Missions/Quests Completed

  • CC: RO: Side Quest 3: Another Lost Prince 
  • CC: RO: Side Quest 2: Lost Treasure 

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Related Reports

Condemned Cradles
Report Date
20 Sep 2022
Primary Location
The Regeneration Conservatory

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