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The Motley Few

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Alverria
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Within the world of Alverria, there is a ragtag group from all corners of the continent of Teldemar. As they continue overcoming trials and obstacles together, a nefarious plot is slowly being uncovered about a fanatical group known as the Claws of Chroma. What is the ultimate goal of this cult? And can the Motley Few stop these dark deeds for good, while also overcoming their own dark histories?

This story is told by

Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 24th October 2020 18:30

Session #34: Entrance to the Autumn Court

The Motley Few have failed in their bartering with Radha, the Collector. Without the everblooming flower in their grasp, they decide to look for answers elsewhere, and venture into the Autumn Court. Surprisingly, they find what appears to be the capital of Autumn within 24 hours. They decide to rest up, not sure what awaits them and during that rest they have a chance encounter with a sprite by the name of Twig. He leads them the rest of the way to the city, and now the party must navigate new territory, with new rules. What is in store for them within the Autumn Court?

Sessions Archive

31st Jul 2020

Session #30: Finding the Sea of Tears

The Motley Few has been led to the capital city of the Summer Court, Cuilemera. After meeting with the archfey, Merellion, consort to the Summer Queen, they set out into the territory of summer and are searching for the Sea of Tears. Directions and navigation is confusing and vague, and after stumbling around the forest, they happen upon a raging river. In order to get to the Sea of Tears, they figure they need to cross the river. However, the river seems to be alive with it's own will and the players fancy a dip. Will they make it across the river and find the Sea of Tears? Or will they get swept by the current and tossed somewhere unknown?

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