24. Shattered Dreams Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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24. Shattered Dreams Report

General Summary

12th Dravago, 998 YK 

  • Kalshana and Warden go to see Havakhad. They get him to scry on Medalashana and then Geth.
  • Havakhad saw Medalashana in the company of a large group of humans, dressed in furs and adorned with bones. Medalashana was talking to a well dressed human man with striking green eyes, and she didn't seem to be a prisoner. Conversely, Singe and Tetkashtai were also present and seemed to be prisoners.
  • Medalashana noticed the scrying sensor and dispelled it.
  • Havakhad saw Geth in the company of a tribe of orcs, and a half-orc with a missing hand. They were discussing a plan to assault the Bonetree Mound with an elderly orc.
  • Havakhad discussed his concerns about Medalashana with Kalshana. He thinks she is a Zavkalaq, a shattered dream. A kalashtar who has been separated from their quori spirit. She is an unknown quantity in all this.
  • Dax' Athla went to inquire about getting a ship to Zarash'ak.
  • After some investigation, she is approached by Vennet d'Lyrandar, who offers her and her party berth on his elemental galleon, the Lightning on Water. It'll just cost them 25 gp, and they'll need to provide their own food. The journey will only take 5 days.
  • Terfel Glas spends all day gambling and wins 357 gold! He also lost 62 gold to Lakashtai.
  • They spent some time shopping to prepare for their journey to the Shadow Marches.
  • In the evening, Warden spent some time talking to a tree.
  • The party went to see a play at the Diamond Theatre, Five Lives, written by Luca Syara.
  • After the play, Terfel snuck backstage and found Luca's room, where he had a conversation with her.
  • She's a real bummer, makes him really sad.
  • Terfel returns to the party and has to work off some of the sadness by sparring with Dax.

Eberron: Inquisition


Level 5 Warforged Circle of the Stars Druid
(Gatekeeper Initiate)
/ 38 HP

Terfel Glas

Level 5 Human (Mark of Sentinel) Fighter (Echo Knight)
(War Hero)
/ 68 HP


Report Date
07 Nov 2020

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