3. City on the Edge of the Mists Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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3. City on the Edge of the Mists Report

General Summary

It is the 25th of Olarune, 998 YK. The party has just returned to New Cyre with a caravan of supplies.   Mirasandra informed them that Oargev wished to speak to them.

  • Oargev expressed his gratitude for the work they've done, referred to them as his "Cyran Avengers"
  • Oargev offered them each a wage of 1 gp per day, which they accepted.
  • They discussed the plan to train a militia in New Cyre, Oargev tasked them with securing raw materials for a forge and workshop. They have plenty of war veterans to train a militia, but no effective way to arm them.
  • They went and spoke to Beezlebop Mit Divandi, who owns a clock shop called Short on Time. He expressed excitement at seeing them enter, "his first customers"!
  • They didn't really get any useful information out of him, but Kalshana spent all of her gold on a pocket watch, and Warden spent most of his on a wrist watch.
  • The group went to speak to Siebold Adelbertskrieger. He told them that it was him that alerted Oargev to the lack of materials. Normally he would get supplies from Rhukaan Draal, but Darguun is unstable at the moment and the caravans wouldn't make it through Marguul Pass.
  • Warden wondered aloud if the Mournland was an option, there is surely many untapped resources there. It is dangerous, and a last resort, but not to be ruled out.
  • Terfel Glas asked Zee if he would be willing to take Llyr Glas on as an apprentice. The goblin agreed.
  • They went to see Honest Harold. He sold them a key to a workshop in Vathirond, and an address.
  • Terfel went to see Daerwin Toldorath to get a tattoo.
  • Dax' Athla went to see Iona Perch to ask about the Silver Flame. Iona gave her some information, but as she isn't an adherent of the flame, she was of limited knowledge.
  • The group rested, it is now the 26th of Olarune, 998 YK.
  • They leave New Cyre the next day. It is a 13 day journey to Vathirond.
  • Between Starilaskur and Vathirond, they got attacked by a griffon trying to eat their horse. They drove it off, and Dax shot it as it tried to flee, killing it.
  • They loaded the griffin corpse into the wagon so that Dax can harvest it.
  • They arrive in Vathirond on the 10th of Therendor, 998 YK. They are met on arrival by Watch Sergeant Meritamen, leader of Warden's squad during the war.
  • She tells them where the workshop is, and reminisces with Warden. She tells him she abandoned Aundair after Narath.
  • The party stables their horse at an inn, and pay 1 sp to have the stable hand care for it. Warden wild shapes into a horse to pull the wagon, and takes it into the abandoned part of Vathirond.
  • Whilst exploring, they run into an Owlbear. It attacks, and kills Warden's horse form. It almost mauls Dax'Athla to death.
  • Warden thunderwaved the Owlbear, creating a loud sound.
  • On it's next turn, the Owlbear seems to become suddenly afraid, and flees.
  • The party hides as the sound of a siren blasts through the streets. A 40-foot tall, gaunt humanoid with two conical protrusions from where it's head should be emerges from the mists.
  • "This is a test of Cyre's Emergency Alert Broadcast System. When you hear these sounds, take shelter immediately."
  • The party takes shelter immediately.
  • The monster pushes the wagon around a bit, and then pursues the owlbear.
  • The party are all hiding in the nearby buildings.

Eberron: Inquisition


Level 5 Warforged Circle of the Stars Druid
(Gatekeeper Initiate)
/ 38 HP

Terfel Glas

Level 5 Human (Mark of Sentinel) Fighter (Echo Knight)
(War Hero)
/ 68 HP


Player Journals
Is Cyre Good? by Kalshana
Beasts by Kalshana
Report Date
16 May 2020

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