The ghouls get a thrashing, some people almost die - but wait where’s Badalona Report

General Summary

The new day dawns and with it a mystery - sometime during the evening Badalona Ailendogs has just upped a disappeared. This isn't highly unusual for the barbarian and the rest of our heroes press on to the hunting lodge undeterred.   Outside the lodge, they are confronted by another of Bali’s surprises - the animated skeleton of a grizzly bear that tries to rip the party limb from limb. Mehmen expends some spells and manages to leave the skeleton entangled for much of the battle and the beast is soon overcome. Marble takes the skull of the bear to make a helmet from it later. The heroes proceed into the lodge towards the double door where the skittering was heard upon their last visit. This time nothing. So Mehmen yanks open the door...   To find an ambush by a group of ghouls and a ghast.   The battle ebbs and flows. Early on Alok Ravaralei finds himself paralyzed by a ghoul's attack and then accidentally slain in the crossfire as Thomas Marchant unleashes a thunderwave on the undead. It's not long before Thomas too is paralyzed and then falls unconscious. With Mehmen initially struggling to hit with his staff it is up to Marble to mow down many of the monsters. Alok keeps edging towards final death and with no healing spells left Marble and Mehmen must defeat all the creatures to save their friends.   With Marble and Mehmen also severely wounded the party manages to finally defeat the last of Bali's minions. The ghast proves to be the missing Petunia Inglenook and is finally freed from her torment.   A search of the lodge finds a trove of treasure, discarded by the ghouls and the party returns to Darknook, hoping for a rest and perhaps news from Badalona...

Rewards Granted

2,200cp 900sp 60gp Small mirror (25gp) Carved bone statuette (25gp) Pair of engraved bone dice (25gp) Small gold bracelet (25gp) Scroll (Ray of Sickness DC13 +5att) Unidentified Potion Cloak of Elvenkind

The Five Fingers of Dorwine

Mehmen Ashid

Neutral Half elf ()
Druid 2
20 / 20 HP
Report Date
19 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Llangoed Forest
Secondary Location

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