I swear to god I'm actually finished with this iteration of the Yonderverse cover. Can't say it won't get remade in a few years, but for now I'm done! I am in love with this. I don't like to pat myself on the back that much, but I am really proud of this and I think it came out wonderfully. This is a thank you for two hundred followers on my world and all the support I've received these past few years on World Anvil. I would not be here if it weren't for you guys. I am truly so honoured that I've been able to inspire people in this community, as you lot have done the same for me <3   Sorry for making this post twice! Forgot to add a header image, and that's the whole point of this journal post LOL - aaand it did not work, sorry to waste y'all's precious notifications! D:  

A bright and bustling universe, made with love

Explore the endless planets brimming with life in the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.

  #mochievements #worldshare #ireallywantathirdhashtag