The Akhi Ethnicity in Zurn | World Anvil
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The Akhi

The Akhi are a Brow (or Brownie) clan that lives on the southern side of The Shining Lake . Strong allies of the Wisp clan of Mon Elier, the Akhi are farmers and miners who hide their activity from the local humans. They work hard, tend to be friendly and generous when people first meet them, but those who break their trust find it hard to fix.   The Akhi have a strong warrior tradition of warrior-farmers, engaging in two skirmishes every year against the tribes of Edhil. Their leader, Jancu Foe-Render, is a mighty man of war, and desires to see them expand their access to resources in the region. Their people have long suffered from lack of access to wood, creating an opportunity for adventurers.   The Akhi primarily use slings and weapons made of metal. With ready access to leather and metal, they tend to wear quality armor, but lack access to long-ranged weapons and polearms.

Naming Traditions

Family names

The Akhi use a naming scheme much akin to the Star Wars universe created by George Lucas and now owned and operated by Disney.


Common Dress code

Very relaxed. Everyone - including the nobles - is involved in manual labor, and it is seen as virtuous to be dirty from work. People dressed in fine clothes will generally find they are not treated with as great respect as people who are dressed simply (Peasant rolls tend to be used more commonly than Court rolls here).


Beauty Ideals

Fine craftsmanship, the color blue, orderliness, and things that glow

Courtship Ideals

The Akhi are very much "acts of service" and "giver of gifts" people when it comes to love languages. Brow men are expected to perform great acts and make beautiful things for women they love, and women are expected to do the same. Marriages are public affairs, with everyone being invited.
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