Tec Character in Zuniceratops Universe | World Anvil
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Xochichinancal Centlacolmetzcoatine Tlacatecpolotlahtolcoasyni (a.k.a. Tec)

Demon-girl who was trapped in a book due to being deemed too powerful even for the demonworld. She is very playful and immature even though she is 2.953.895.487.320.470.021 years old. She also hates being serious, and therefore misuses her power of; Time-Stop, Word-Weapons and Black Holes. Wears a black hood and disguises herself as a chibi-character. But she gets the work done… in secret.

Divine Domains

Black holes

Holy Books & Codes

The annoying ROD

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A small girl with horns, tail, no fingers and no toes.

Body Features

Tec has a pale completion and noticeably with black horns coming out of the sides of her head. She also a little thin black tail with a drop like end

Special abilities

Black holes/portals(See the Tec plane), Word-spelling and timestop

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As previously stated tec is very immature, and she will properly never grow up.

Tec's attempt at diary

Tec’s consequences

“Have you heard?”
She whispered to her friend. “That hotel is the headquarters of the evil organization XCT.” I looked up to see the mouth of the other girl that flung open. It was pleasing to the mind to imagine a comic book sound.
“What!? But they died… like a long time ago!”
Her voice became much higher than it should be, so the other girl took her hand, and began to walk away.
“It’s just a rumor, don’t let it get to you.”
That annoyed me. I was not just a rumor. The others had said not to pulverize anyone, but it was my invention, and I was ticked off. I sat down on the ground and wrote f-l-e-s-h-b-u-r-n-e-r. Suddenly I stood up, and with floating words in my hands, I let out my villainous laugh.
“Just a rumor! I don’t think so” I shouted.
Then I stopped. The silence penetrated me. A pair of tourists ran with lightning speed. “Afraid of the little girl?!” I yelled, but really something was wrong.
The ash scattered, or maybe my eyes cleared. All the excitement left my body right there.
“No! Why it’s unfair… My new killing method is too fast to let me hear them scream. Why…?!” Wobbling I walked in the hotel's front entrance. The small lobby was in chaos. There were little monsters jumping around everywhere on the sofas, the doors were hard-pressed and the spiraling staircase was in terrible condition.
“Hello, Tec” A disgusted voice greeted me.
“Please go up and take a bath. We can talk about what you did later.”
I wasn’t in the mood for a discussion with Hoshino, so for once I just did what I was told. Her surprised face didn’t even affect me.
My mirrored image showed that I got my horns dirty. In the water from the hose, they got cleaned. My gaze went to the shiny shower.
"I guess the cleaning crew was here as well"
I put my black coat in the washing machine. Then I squished my cheeks, and unsurprisingly I was still in chibi mode.
"Wii!" I said as I dashed out from the bathroom.
The giant metal crate was also cleaned. All the nails shined and the spikes looked menacing. Inside was my bed. I found my drawer and took a new coat. I said goodbye to my black hole and left. It only gloomed back as an answer.
That evening we all ate together. Hisano Lou and Chihaya was there as well. I got yelled at a lot. We also had some fun. Then came the argument with Chi.
"Tec, I understand why you killed them, but you shouldn't let your emotions control you. Just take a nap."
"But, you’re a cat, that is following your emotions." I disagreed
"Yes, but for you, that would make sense" Chi said and nodded as a wise old man. That sentence couldn't be correct. I wanted to choke her right there and then. How could she say such a thing.
"What sense, common sense? I don't think so!"
"Then what do you suggest" she raised her voice
"Killing! mew meow meow."
"What!?" Red lines was filling up her eyes.
"I am speaking your language" I said calmly and sassy to annoy her.
She jumped up and scratched my face. I was forming a black hole when Lou pinned me down.
“Don’t hurt my cat.” She said
I broke free of her, and punched her in the face. I don’t think she got hurt. Then we wrecked the hotel and I wasn't allowed to kill for a month. Hoshino who had stayed out of the fight led the charges against me. Her face didn’t even show emotion as her fingers gently touched her desk lamp. Such demons.
You're the actual demon!!


Asexual and unable


Boring nonsense by ROD and some lessons a minuscule more interesting about spelling by Kouko, because she had to know how to use one of her abilities. Because of group pressure she is now also supposed to be revising high school classes. It is doubtful that she has learned anything from that other than how to search for answers on bing. (She never found out how to install google or search for it.)



Teammate (Trivial)

Towards Tec




Teammate (Trivial)

Towards Chi




They met in a Library, but Chi had heard of Tec beforehand as she was rather infamous. Tec doesn't pay much mind to Chi, but does acknowledge her power. They talk sometimes and easily get in verbal arguments.

Nicknames & Petnames

To Chi: Old man It is because of her tendency to lecture Tec

Relationship Reasoning

They are on the same team, and Chi is soft.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Killing the Good Guys, troubling the public and relaxing

Shared Acquaintances

Lou, Kouko


Friend (Important)

Towards Tec




Friend (Trivial)

Towards Lou




They met for the first time at a library, and it wasn't very pleasant, but since then the relationship has gotten better, and it's still improving. Tec made a weapon for her, then they started doing stuff together, but they can get really angry at each other.

Relationship Reasoning

They are part of the same group

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Beating up and killing the Good Guys, fooling around and stealing

Shared Acquaintances

Kouko and Chi


Guardian (Important)

Towards Tec




Responsibility (Vital)

Towards Kouko




Kouko was given the book Tec was contained in, and she released her by accident. In the panic she sealed Tec again and herself to a lamp, so it is effectively Tec's fault Kouko is so obsessed with lamps. Tec then drove Kouko to the new world, because she was confident the humans there were stupid, so that you could easily fool them into releasing her, as is was no longer possible for Kouko. The XCT quickly found them and forced them to join. Kouko gained power within the organisation because of Tec, who in the end was released and has been a pain ever since.

Divine Classification
Show spoiler
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Miss vicious beast
Year of Birth
2953895487320500224 BN 2953895487320502286 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
One day she dropped into the Demon Realm with a voice in her head
Tec plane
Current Residence
XCT: Cial Wood, Green Street 1997 behind door nr. 4 in room nr. 2
Big mid green eyes
White hair reaching her waist
1 tec
Show spoiler
70 cm
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype
The charater is made so I could play her voice.

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Character Portrait image: by Akimori


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