Silver Corvids
Silver Corvids, or Pale Ravens, are extremely large birds that take the form of an oversized raven. Said to come at times of great change a few of the recorded sightings of these alleged birds were around the time of Aryennos the Light Seer, the sacking of the Library of Capricornus and the fall of the Kingdom of Apreau. The birds are said to be omens of great change and potential end, or beginning, of turmoil. In the legends told about them it is said that Aryennos saw their dazzling light and was blinded by it but given her supernatural sight and prophetic powers as a result. When the great Library of Capricornus was sacked it is said that the two such birds descended from the sky and one took Capricornus upon its back and disappeared into the smoky skies above Haven's Respite. Last but not least in sighting was a murder of these corvids seeing circling above Haven's Respite when it mysteriously fell to ruin and the kingdom of Apreau became a wasteland.
Historical Basis
Aryennos the Light Seer is the one person who is said to have seen the birds for the first time in recorded history by scholars of Astoydan. It is said that she had a close relationship with the birds and even was able to take molted feather from them and use it as fletching for her arrows. The only other person with any close relation to the birds in history would be Capricornus but he was a much more enigmatic and depending on who you talk to considered dubious character. It is said that deep within the catacombs of Persea's Hold there is an arrow that belonged to Aryennos and that arrow has the fletching of a silver corvids' feather. However very, very few are allowed to enter such chambers and those who do have not ever given credence to this being true or not.
The story of Silver Corvids is spread throughout the main continent of Zodia Accapia.
Variations & Mutation
Most iterations of the myth tell that the birds are omens and can grant prophetic powers, such as what is told in Astoydan and what was the former kingdom of Apreau. Some tribes in the eastern deserts consider the birds to be messengers of the Gods delivering their word in times of need to those that need to hear it the most for good or ill depends on the fate of the person. Astoydan of course believes that they are the sole messengers of their Goddess, Persea.
Cultural Reception
In Astoydan and surrounding nations to see a silver corvid is to be blessed by the Goddess Persea and to be considered one of her handpicked prophets. To the nomadic tribes in the Eastern desert they are a mixed blessing one seen as a double-edged blade. While true that they may bring about good fortune often it is not without some form of sacrifice in payment to the Gods.
The Silver Corvids have a wingspan of roughly 20 feet and are 7 feet in length.
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