Zirael The Adventures of The Bright Shore Timeline
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The Adventures of The Bright Shore

The rather confounding adventures of a revolving group of heroes that recently began calling themselves The Bright Shore. Their escapades have been laced with daring deeds and tragic losses but whatever they are up to seems to be central to the current unrest in the Kingdom of Lyssonne.

  • 899 T.A.

    21 /10
    899 T.A.

    23 /10

    Monsters at Concorde

    The Bright Shore rid the villiage of Concorde of their bulette problem and are rewarded by Gwint, an old friend of Imos, with the Obsidian Helm. However the party are ambushed on the road to the capital by Liloxora Church who steals the Helm and leaves the party licking their wounds.

  • 899 T.A.

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    Death of Robert Pancakes

    Well loved member of the community and founder of the charity 'Food for Disabled Orphans' Robert Pancakes is murdered by Solunar and his body dumped in the Chandelleyes River. He leaves behind a loving wife and seven small children. The charity has since dissolved and cases of starving disabled orphans has risen across the poorest quarters of the city.

    Ville Lyssonne
  • 899 T.A.

    24 /10 15:00

    The Fall of Karak Az

    The Followers of Tiamat set of an ancient Elven engine, causing earthquakes to ravage the city of Karak Az, destroying the mountain hold. Imos teleports the Bright Shore to the falling city where they fight through hordes of foul ratmen, beating Makke Winterskin to the prized gauntlets before using them to teleport back to Ville Lyssonne.

    Karak Az
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  • 899 T.A.

    24 /10 16:00
    899 T.A.

    26 /10

    The Smuggler's Run

    The heroes encounter a flamboyant Tabaxi exotic animal trader by the name of Bad Sin who shows Cap Tain a few tricks and our 'heroes' convince him to join them on a smuggling endeavour.

    Ville Lyssonne
  • 899 T.A.

    27 /10 20:00

    The Wedding of The Duke of Ortensa and The Princess of Tristromm

    Upon learning of a potential threat Imos sneaks our heroes into the wedding. They proceed to foil the assassination and apprehend Vorrash Silvertongue, one of the Followers of Tiamat and the villain behind the attack.

    Ville Lyssonne
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  • 899 T.A.

    28 /10 23:00

    Death of Cap Tain and Vorrash Silvertongue

    Our heroes come across Vorrash Silvertongue's plan to escape his prison and scramble to stop him. After using the Gauntlets with abandon Cap Tain's luck runs out and finds himself face to face with the dragon goddess Tiamat in the nine hells. The jubilation on his return is short lived as Tiamat's poison quickly overcomes our hero.   Our heroes manage to stop Vorrash's escape, deciding to execute the restrained villain rather than risk him planning another escape.

    Ville Lyssonne
  • 899 T.A.

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    899 T.A.

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    Life and Death at Elvants

    On their journey to the Poxwood, the heroes fight off the Sons of Zhao attacking the town, attempting to get to a powerful mage, a girl by the name of Ama

  • 899 T.A.

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    899 T.A.

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    The Poxwood

    The Bright Shore journeyed into The Poxwood to thwart Zephyr's plans to obtain the Corrupted Heart and in the following conflict a fire quickly burned out of control throughout the forest.

    The Poxwood
  • 899 T.A.

    4 /11 07:00

    Rai Leaves for Dalkesh

    Rai Varlu gets word from a friend he thought long dead and is compelled to return to his homeland.

    The Poxwood
  • 899 T.A.

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    899 T.A.

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    The Observatory at Selua

    Our heroes stop at the villiage of Selua finding a Sollen researcher had discovered something off in the moon.

  • 899 T.A.

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    899 T.A.

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    The Remembering of Ford

    The discovery of a beast that lurked invisible, eating townsfolk and singing a song to make all forget they ever existed led the heroes of The Bright Shore to end the abomination. The memories taken from the townsfolk returned of those they lost and the villiage was stricken by grief.

  • 899 T.A.

    8 /11 14:00
    899 T.A.

    8 /11 14:00

    The fall of the Cathedral of Bahamut
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Grande Cathedral of Bahamut in Ville Lyssonne was cast down by an attack by the four dragonborn who had snuck their way into the festival in the form of illusions of honest folk.

    Ville Lyssonne
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  • 899 T.A.

    8 /11 22:00
    899 T.A.

    8 /11 23:00

    Massacre in The Sticks
    Military action

    An attack orchestrate by the Silver Adders lead to the death of over 40 locals in The Sticks.

    The Sticks
  • 899 T.A.

    8 /11 23:00

    Nix Leaves for Kussen

    Nix is called off on a mission to Kussen by The Open Hand.

    Ville Lyssonne