Scarlet Demons Organization in Zin | World Anvil

Scarlet Demons

The Scarlet Demons are a mercenary company headquartered in (and fiercely loyal to) Kaerian Dynasty . The Demons maintains a permanent stronghold in Chult at Fort Beluarian . From there, Scarlet Demons patrol strike out into the jungle to "pacify" territory and claim lost treasures. The Scarlet Demon has already plundered the ruins of Mezro. Now the mercenaries and their wealthy backers in Kaerian Dynasty would like nothing better than to do the same to Omu , but they've had no luck locating the lost city. The Scarlet Demons researchers are convinced the city lies south of Lake Luo but east of the Peaks of Flame, at the western end of the Valley of Dread. Because of the distance from Fort Beluarian, they're looking for adventurers to conduct an initial exploration of that area and locate what they believe will be mostly abandoned ruins.
Military, Mercenary Group
Notable Members


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