Orion Character in Zin | World Anvil


Player Character

Orion was born and raised in Deepwood Vale. Orion’s parents: Eldrysl and Ithilora were among the elders of their kin. Both were druids that used their magics to maintain balance in the Vale. They had 3 Children: Finnean, the eldest male. A strong hunter who spent his time travelling and hunting in the Deepwood. Danylia the middle sister who took after her parents and became a druid. Orion, a decade younger than either of his siblings, took to studying arcane arts as his sickly nature prevented him from following in the footsteps of his elder brother that he idolized. Orion would wait with anticipation for his brother’s frequent returns and would listen enthralled by the stories his brother spun about the adventures he had while away.   This continued until Finnean returned with a gift for Orion. An amulet. A gift that changed everything. The amulet strengthened Orion’s health and allowed him do venture out and do all the things that his health prohibited before this. The following year was an amazing time in his life. Small trips with his brother; going out deeper into the woods; Seeing what made the vale such a magical place rather than hearing or reading about it. He continued his study of the void and bending but his life was a full cup. Then the war came. Orion witnessed the death of his namesake. Found the body of his brother after one of the battles. Lost both parents. Only his sister remained. She took over for her parents, kept the fey together and watched over her younger sibling as she could.   The Orion who was once imaginative, thoughtful, and full of curiosity became cynical and at times sardonic. He dedicated himself into his studies of magic with a purpose. He would heal the Vale and The Great Tree. He would banish the evil that caused all the harm and hurt. He saw that he must become strong to do even the smallest part of this. No not just strong. Orion, his namesake was strong and failed. He must become a god.


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