Lock-picking & Disabling Traps | House Rule in Zin | World Anvil

Lock-picking & Disabling Traps | House Rule

  1. Finding traps or anything hidden is using investigation (int) by the PC or the party.   This can also be done passively by the party when dungeon crawling or moving from room to room.
  2. Lock-picking and disarming traps requires thieves tools
  3. Mechanical trap or lock: The PC rolls against the DC of the lock/trap, using a sleight of hand check.  Upon success the lock IMMEDIATELY is unlocked/disarmed within a round/action.
  4. If the PC fails to pick the lock, the PC then has to "take 10" or roughly 5 mins to pick/disarm the lock/trap.
  Other notes:
  • Magical traps can be assisted with a successful arcane check (lowering the DC of the trap, typically by 5), if it has mechanical processes also apart of the trap.
  • Thieves tools are well made, often with bended metals, and do NOT jam or break when they are used on a lock.


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